Figure S7.
Classifier reactivation and replay effects during the probe phase, related to Figure 7
(A) We investigated the time course of the classifier reactivations for the stable, present, and absent building blocks averaged across trials. All reactivations peak shortly after stimulus (silhouette) onset, with the fully predictable stable building block representation peaking earlier. Overlaid are the time windows of the significant replay effects from Figures 6E and 6F (orange, significant effects for sequences from candidate building blocks to stable building block; dark green, significant difference between sequences between present and between absent and present building blocks; light green, significant effects for sequences from present to stable).
(B) Left: while displaying a similar tendency as during the inference phase, we did not find significant replay effects for individual sequences analogous to Figure 7B during the probe phase. Right: we also did not detect replay for more task relevant information during the probe phase, such as the connection from the probe block in the upper left corner of the screen to the probe block in the middle or vice versa (right).