CXCL12+ high-expression tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) were co-localized with MIF+CAFs in human HCC. A. Representative figures (×200 magnification) of multiple-color staining for CD163, PD-L1, and CXCL12 expression in human HCC and adjacent samples. B. Plots showing the number (left panel) and percentage (right panel) of CXCL12+ TAMs cells in human HCC and adjacent tissue. C. The comparison of TAMs and CXCL12+ TAMs in HCC and adjacent tissues using multiple-color staining. Data are presented as mean ± SEM and were analyzed using Student’s t-test (**, P<0.01; ns, no significance, P>0.05). D. Comparison and gating strategy of CD45(+) CD163(+) CXCL12(+) TAMs in TILs of human HCC analyzed by flow cytometry. E. Representative figures (×200 magnification) for multiple-color staining for α-SMA, MIF, CD163, and CD74 expression in human HCC and adjacent samples. F. Liner correlation studies were performed for TAMs vs CAFs and CD74+TAMs vs MIF+CAFs in HCC and adjacent tissue.