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. 2024 Mar 1;11(3):ENEURO.0296-23.2024. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0296-23.2024

Table 2.

Cutoffs for statistical significance obtained from permutation analysis

Task Comparison Cutoff for significance (ms)
IPAST Pro-saccade to anti-saccade 200
Anti-saccade to direction error 200
Pro-saccade to direction error 200
Sex (all ages) 228
Sex (<18) 290
Sex (18–45) 344
Sex (>45) 316
FV High to low gaze clustering 138
Sex (all ages) 218
Sex (<18) 266
Sex (18–45) 212
Sex (>45) 201

Cutoffs are rounded up to the nearest even number. They indicate the minimum consecutive duration for which two curves must be significantly different to assume a true effect in each comparison. IPAST, interleaved pro-/anti-saccade task; FV, free-viewing task.