Two‐sample MR analyses of the causal effect of smoking phenotypes on schizophrenia. (A) MR results for the causal effect of SmkInit on schizophrenia (left). Scatter plots of the associations of SmkInit with schizophrenia (right). (B) MR results for the causal effect of CigDay on schizophrenia (left). Scatter plots of the associations of CigDay with schizophrenia (right). (C) MR results for the causal effect of AgeSmk on schizophrenia (left). Scatter plots of the associations of AgeSmk with schizophrenia (right). AgeSmk, age of smoking initiation; CI, confidence interval; CigDay, amount smoked; IVW, inverse variance weighted; MR‐RAPS: MR robust adjusted profile score; OR, odds ratio; SmkInit, smoking initiation; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism.