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. 2023 Nov 22;12(3):2202–2209. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.3850


Linear regression analysis (unadjusted and adjusted for age, sex, and BMI) of association between DASS‐depression score and flavonoid/flavonoid subclass intake in a sample of participants with and without major depressive disorder (MDD).

Unadjusted Adjusted for age, sex, and BMI
B SE 95% CI p‐value B SE 95% CI p‐value
Total flavonoid intake −2.4 2.4 [−7.1, 2.4] .320 −3.5 2.4 [−8.3, 1.3] .151
Anthocyanin intake −6.1 1.8 [−9.7, −2.6] .001 −4.1 1.8 [−7.7, −0.4] .029
Flavan‐3‐ol intake 0.01 1.8 [−3.5, 3.5] .993 −2.6 1.8 [−6.2, 0.9] .144
Flavanone intake −0.4 2.5 [−5.2, 4.5] .885 2.5 2.5 [−2.5, 7.5] .324
Flavone intake −8.8 5.4 [−19.5, 1.9] .104 −6.9 5.3 [−17.5, 3.8] .201
Flavonol intake −6.1 3.5 [−13.1, 0.8] .182 −5.5 3.7 [−12.7, 1.8] .140
Isoflavone intake −1.1 1.7 [−4.6, 2.3] .512 0.4 1.6 [−2.8, 3.6] .802

Note: p‐value derived from linear regression.

Abbreviations: 95% CI, 95% Confidence Interval; B, β Coefficient; SE, Standard Error.