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. 2023 Jul 19;20(1):112–123. doi: 10.1002/alz.13381


Characteristics and test scores for case–control matched cognitively normal participant true controls versus preclinical AD.

Case–control matched cognitively normal participants with CSF biomarker data
True controls (biomarker negative, n = 26) Preclinical AD (biomarker positive, n = 26)
Type of characteristic Demographic/measure M SD M SD
Demographic Age 78.7a 4.8 80.0a 6.2
Education 17.8a 2.1 17.1a 1.6
Male/female 13/13 13/13
Cognitive status MMSE 28.7a 1.5 28.8a 1.4
MoCA 25.4a 2.2 25.3a 2.7
DRS 138.7a 3.7 138.0a 4.8
CSF biomarker Tau/Aβ42 .3a 0.1 1.4b 2.0
Tau 300.9a 150.6 576.0b 235.4
Aβ42 1006.5a 473.2 534.2b 182.2
CSF to cognitive test lag (years) 2.5a 1.5 3.4a 3.1
Existing naming test 32‐item MINT 31.2a 1.0 30.6a 1.8
MINT Sprint scores First pass correct 74.3a 3.8 72.7a 5.4
Second pass correct 4.0a 2.2 4.0a 2.7
Total correct 78.3 a 2.0 76.7 b 3.5
Percent resolved (PR) 75.6 a 18.5 62.4 b 25.4
Efficiency first pass 2.0a 0.6 2.1a 0.4
Efficiency total 3.1a 1.4 3.6a 1.2
Minutes first pass 2.2a 0.8 2.3a 0.6
Minutes total 3.2a 1.5 3.8a 1.5

Note: Values in the same row that do not share the same superscript are significantly different at p < 0.05 (2‐tailed). Significant differences between groups highlighted in bold. Efficiency = completion time/percent correct.

Abbreviations: Aβ, amyloid beta; AD, Alzheimer's disease; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DRS, Dementia Rating Scale; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MINT, Multilingual Naming Test; MMSE, Mini‐Mental State Examination; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; SD, standard deviation.