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. 2021 Dec 14;1(4):172–184. doi: 10.1093/psyrad/kkab016

Table 2:

Studies about rTMS of the DLPFC for addictive disorders.

Studies n Participants Design Number of sessions Stimulation site Frequency (Hz) Percentage MT (%) Total pulses per session Effects Side effects Location
DLPFC as the stimulation site
Eichhammer et al. (2003) 14 Nicotine dependent; motivated to quit smoking Randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, crossover study 4 (2 Ac; 2 S) Left DLPFC 20 90 1000 Significant reduction in smoking in the rTMS group. No effect on craving Mild headaches 5 cm
Amiaz et al. (2009) 48 Nicotine dependent; >20 cigarettes/day; motivated to quit smoking Randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study (active vs. sham rTMS/smoking-related vs. neutral) 10 daily sessions followed by a 4-week maintenance phase 10 daily sessions Left DLPFC 10 100 1000 Significant reduction in cue-induced craving, cigarette smoking and dependence when participants received exposure to smoking cues followed by rTMS NS 5 cm
Mishra et al. (2015) 20 Alcohol-dependent Randomized, double-blind study 10 daily sessions Left and right DLPFC 10 110 1000 Significant reduction in craving after the last rTMS session in both group Nightmare and middle insomnia after the eighth session of one patient NS
Del Felice et al. (2016) 17 Alcohol dependence Randomized, sham-controlled study 2 (1 Ac and 1S) Left DLPFC 10 100 1000 Significant improving inhibitory control task and selective attention and reduce depressive symptoms but not reduction in craving and alcohol intake NS 10–20 EEG system
Camprodon et al. (2007) 6 Cocaine dependence Randomized, cross-over study 2 (left or right side) Left and right DLPFC 10 90 2000 Right but not left rTMS reduced craving None NS
Terraneo et al. (2016) 32 Cocaine dependence Randomized, open-label study 2 (left or control) Left DLPFC 15 100 2400 Reduction in craving by active rTMS Mild scalp discomfort MRI
Sanna et al. (2019) 25/22 Cocaine use disorder NS 2 (2 Ac) Bilateral PFC iTBS/15 80/100 2400 and 600 Reduction in craving and the intake of cocaine in both groups Mild scalp discomfort NS
Steele et al. (2019) 19 Cocaine use disorder Open-label 1 (1 Ac) Left DLPFC iTBS 100 600 Reduction both the amount and frequency of cocaine use Occasional headaches 10–20 EEG system
Li et al. (2013) 10 Not-treatment seeking, methamphetamine users Randomized, single-blind, sham-controlled, crossover study 2 (1 Ac and 1S) Left DLPFC 1 NS 900 Increase in craving by active rTMS Mild scalp discomfort 6 cm
Su et al. (2017) 30 Methamphetamine dependence Randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study 2 (1 Ac and 1S) Left DLPFC 10 80 1200 No negative effects on cognitive function; reduction in craving for methamphetamine Mild scalp discomfort 5 cm
Liu et al. (2017) 50 Methamphetamine dependence Randomized, single-blind, sham-controlled study 5 (4 Ac and 1S) Left and right DLPFC, P3 1 and 10 80 600 and 2000 Reduction in cue-induced craving by active rTMS None NS
Liang et al. (2018) 48 Methamphetamine dependence Randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study 2 (1 Ac and 1S) Left DLPFC 10 80 2000 Reduction in cue-induced craving by active rTMS Mild scalp discomfort NS
Lin et al. (2019) 105 Methamphetamine dependence Randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study 3 (1 Ac, 1S and 1 C) Left DLPFC 10 100 2000 Improved sleep quality, alleviated depression and anxiety state by active rTMS Mild dizziness or scalp pain 10–20 EEG system
Liu et al. (2019) 90 Methamphetamine dependence Randomized, single-blind study 2 (1 Ac; 1 C) Left DLPFC 10 100 2000 Reduction in cue-induced craving by active rTMS NS 5 cm
Yuan et al. (2020) 73 Methamphetamine dependence Randomized, single-blind study 2 (1 Ac; 1S) Left DLPFC 1 100 600 Reduction in cue-induced craving and improvement of impulse inhibition by active rTMS NS 5 cm
Liu et al. (2020b) 188 Methamphetamine dependence Randomized, single-blind study 3 (1 Ac; 1S; 1 C) Left DLPFC 1 and 10 100 600 and 2000 Reduction in cue-induced craving by active rTMS NS 10–20 EEG system
Shen et al. (2016) 20 Heroin dependence Randomized, crossover, sham-controlled study 2 (1 Ac; 1S) Left DLPFC 10 100 2000 Reduction in cue-induced craving by active rTMS None 10–20 EEG system
Liu et al. (2020a) 118 Heroin dependence Randomized, single-blind study 3 (1 Ac; 1S; 1 C) Left DLPFC 1 and 10 100 600 and 2000 Reduction in cue-induced craving by active rTMS Mild dizziness, headache, neck pain, insomnia, etc. 10–20 EEG system
Other stimulation sites
Ross et al. (2011) 15 Smokers: > 20 cigarettes per day Randomized, cross-over open-label study. At the beginning of each session, participants smoked a cigarette. 1 h later, they underwent rTMS concurrently during exposure to neutral/smoking cues/smoking a cigarette 3 (1 Hz SFG; 10 Hz SFG; 1 Hz motor cortex) SFG or motor cortex (side not specified) 1 and 10 90 Greater number of pulses for the 10 Hz condition Combination of smoking cues exposure and 10 HZ SFG rTMS increased craving NS 10–20 EEG system

Ac = active; S = sham; C = control; MT = motor threshold; NS = not specified; SFG = superior frontal gyrus.