Fig. 1.
Modeling suggests that the prr9/prr7 may contribute to the evening complex circadian arrhythmia. a) Three modifications of the De Caluwé et al. 2016 (DC2016) model presenting PRR9 and PRR7 as separate components. Alterations to the original DC2016 model are highlighted in red. Model 1 is the original layout described in DC2016 but with P9 and P7 split into 2 components. In model 2, a negative interaction is introduced from CL to P9, while in model 3, a negative interaction is introduced from CL to P9 and P7, and negative autoregulation of CL. Outputs from model 1 for the expression of b) CL and c) P51 and outputs from model 2 for the expression of d) CL and e) P51 in the WT and simulated elf3/prr mutant backgrounds are shown. For model 1, the outputs for the elf3/prr9 and elf3/prr7 are represented as a single output (elf3prr9/7) as model 1 keeps the same functions for the respective mutants.