Figure 8.
Association of Truncated atTic110NHis and atTic110CHis with Other Tic and Toc Components.
(A) Association of atTic110 deletion constructs with Tic components. Detergent-soluble total chloroplast membranes from wild-type, atTic110His, atTic110NHis, and atTic110CHis expressing plants were subjected to Ni-NTA chromatography. The Ni-NTA eluates (eluate) were resolved by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and immunoblotted with antisera corresponding to the proteins indicated at the left. Lanes 1 to 4 contain 5% of the total membrane fractions (total membrane) used for chromatography. Lanes 9 and 10 are duplicates of lanes 7 and 8 containing threefold more protein.
(B) Association of atTic110 deletion constructs with Toc-Tic supercomplexes. Detergent-soluble total chloroplast membranes from wild-type, atTic110His, atTic110NHis, and atTic110CHis expressing plants were subjected to immunoaffinity chromatography on anti-atToc33 Sepharose (α-atToc33). The eluates (lanes 4 to 7) were resolved by SDS-PAGE and probed with antibodies corresponding to the proteins indicated at the left of the panels. Lanes 1 to 3 contain 5% of the total membrane fractions (membrane) used for chromatography. The unbound fraction from the atTic110NHis chloroplast extracts that had been immunodepleted on α-atToc33 was subjected to subsequent chromatography on Ni-NTA matrix to precipitate residual atTic110NHis (lane 8).
(C) Association of overexpressed atTic110His with Toc-Tic supercomplexes. Detergent extracts of total chloroplast membranes from wild-type plants and plants overexpressing atTic110His were subjected to immunoaffinity chromatography on anti-atToc33 Sepharose (α-atToc33). The eluates (lanes 3 and 4) were resolved by SDS-PAGE and probed with antibodies corresponding to the proteins indicated at the left. Lanes 1 and 2 contain 5% of the total membrane fractions (membrane) used for chromatography.