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. 2024 Mar 6;7(3):e240830. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.0830

Table 2. Comparison of Rapid Testing for All Randomized Patients by Treatment Arm .

Primary outcome Intervention arm, No. (%) (n = 187) Standard-of-care arm, No. (%) (n = 187) Intervention vs standard of carea
Unadjusted Adjusted for season (2020 vs 2021)
Difference, % (95% CI) Ratio (95% CI) P value Difference, % (95% CI) Ratio (95% CI) P value
Binary outcomes
Provision of pathogen-directed treatment 66 (35.3) 25 (13.4) 21.9 (13.5 to 30.3) OR: 3.53 (2.13 to 6.02) <.001 22.1 (13.8 to 30.5) OR: 3.54 (2.13 to 6.02) <.001
Provision of any antibiotics 159 (85.0) 157 (84.0) 1.1 (−6.3 to 8.4) OR: 1.09 (0.62 to 1.91) .78 0.9 (−6.4 to 8.1) OR: 1.09 (0.62 to 1.91) .77
Event-time outcomes
Time to provision of pathogen-directed treatment, median (IQR), hb 34.5 (31.6 to 37.3) 43.8 (42.0 to 45.6) −9.4 (−12.7 to −6.0) HR: 3.08 (1.95 to 4.89) <.001 −9.4 (−12.7 to −6.0) HR: 3.08 (1.95 to 4.89) <.001

Abbreviations: HR, hazard ratio; OR, odds ratio.


Differences were estimated as absolute differences for binary outcomes (on use) and mean differences for event-time outcomes using logistic regression (with the identity link function) and restricted mean survival time methods, respectively. The ORs for binary outcomes and HRs for event-time outcomes were estimated using logistic regression and Cox regression, respectively. P values corresponding to testing ratios equal to 1 were reported.


Time elapsed from randomization to provision of pathogen-directed treatment within 48 hours.