Binned averages for every specified fraction of a particular demographic
group showing increase or decrease of the NO2 tropospheric
column and PM2.5 surface concentration with increasing
population fraction. Bins are 0.05 fractional increase for non-Hispanic
White; Hispanic or Latino; Black and African American; and Asian and
Asian American groups, 0.01 for some other race and two or more races
groups, and 0.001 for American Indian and Alaska Native and Native
Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups. Shaded regions depict standard
error. Box and whisker plots depict the distribution of census tract
fractions. Vertical line is the median, boxes are middle quartiles,
and whiskers are 2nd and 98th percentile. Box and whiskers may not
line up with pollutant lines due to population binning. Abbreviations:
NHW: non-Hispanic White, HL: Hispanic or Latino, BAA: Black and African
American, AAA: Asian and Asian American, SOR: Some other race, TMR:
Two or more races, AIAN: American Indian and Alaska Native, NHPI:
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander.