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. 2023 Nov 7;116(3):401–407. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djad224

Table 1.

Characteristics of US transplant recipients by sex (1995–2017)a

Characteristic Total Males Females P-value
N = 343 802 n = 211 206 n = 132 596
Age at transplantation, years Median (IQR) 51.0 (40, 59) 51.0 (41, 60) 50.0 (38, 59) <.0001
Race and ethnicity Asian or Pacific Islander 18 561 (5.4) 10 559 (5.0) 8002 (6.0) <.0001
Black, non-Hispanic 66 959 (19.5) 39 066 (18.5) 27 893 (21.0)
Hispanic 50 687 (14.7) 30 917 (14.6) 19 770 (14.9)
White, non-Hispanic 207 595 (60.4) 130 664 (61.9) 76 931 (58.0)
Transplanted organ Kidney 214 537 (62.4) 128 537 (60.9) 86 000 (64.9) <.0001
Liver 56 458 (16.4) 34 857 (16.5) 21 601 (16.3)
Heart and/or lung 49 993 (14.5) 34 132 (16.2) 15 861 (12.0)
Other or multiple 22 814 (6.6) 13 680 (6.5) 9134 (6.5)
Time on wait list, days Median (IQR) 240 (59, 694) 230 (56, 673) 257 (63, 729) <.0001
Calendar year of transplantation 1995-1999 65 961 (19.2) 40 080 (19.0) 25 881 (19.5) <.0001
2000-2004 80 992 (23.6) 49 306 (23.3) 31 686 (23.9)
2005-2009 87 071 (25.3) 54 101 (25.6) 32 970 (24.9)
2010-2014 71 922 (20.9) 44 510 (21.1) 27 412 (20.6)
2015-2017 37 856 (11.0) 23 209 (11.0) 14 647 (11.1)
Education None 1353 (0.4) 774 (0.4) 579 (0.4) <.0001
Grade school (0-8) 15 800 (4.6) 9787 (4.6) 6013 (4.5)
High school 124 615 (36.3) 76 318 (36.1) 48 297 (36.4)
Some college/technical school 74 399 (21.6) 44 914 (21.3) 29 485 (22.2)
Associate/bachelor’s degree 49 932 (14.5) 30 568 (14.5) 19 364 (14.6)
Post-college/graduate degree 20 381 (5.9) 13 860 (6.6) 6521 (4.9)
Unknown 57 322 (16.7) 34 985 (16.6) 22 337 (16.9)
Yost index Median (IQR) 0.43 (-0.5, 1.2) 0.45 (-0.4, 1.2) 0.40 (-0.5, 1.2) <.0001
Body mass index, kg/m2 Median (IQR) 26.5 (23, 30) 26.7 (24, 30) 26.0 (22, 31) <.0001
Diabetes mellitus No 230 442 (67.0) 138 859 (65.8) 91 583 (69.1) <.0001
Yes 104 682 (30.5) 67 243 (31.8) 37 439 (28.2)
Missing 8678 (2.5) 5104 (2.4) 3574 (2.7)
Smoking (among lung recipients only) No 6988 (34.4) 3323 (31.6) 3365 (38.1) <.0001
Yes 11 431 (56.3) 6979 (60.9) 4452 (50.4)
Missing 1876 (9.2) 856 (7.5) 1020 (11.5)
Hepatitis B virus Active infection 7395 (2.2) 4906 (2.3) 2489 (1.9) <.0001
Resolved infection 24 556 (7.1) 16 525 (7.8) 8031 (6.1)
Uninfected 288 707 (84.0) 175 550 (83.1) 113 157 (85.3)
Unknown 23 144 (6.7) 14 225 (6.7) 8981 (6.7)
Hepatitis C virus Positive 31 114 (9.1) 22 174 (10.5) 8940 (6.7) <.0001
Negative 282 532 (82.2) 170 525 (80.7) 112 007 (84.5)
Unknown 30 156 (8.8) 18 507 (8.8) 11 649 (8.8)
Epstein-Barr virus Positive 222 124 (64.6) 85 189 (64.3) 136 935 (64.8) <.0001
Negative 1860 (0.5) 1169 (0.6) 691 (0.5)
Unknown 119 818 (34.9) 46 716 (35.2) 73 102 (34.6)

Results are presented as N (%) unless otherwise noted. Categorical variables were compared with a chi-square test and continuous variables with a Wilcoxon test. IQR = interquartile range; kg = kilogram; m2 = meters squared.