Female |
210 |
(51.7) |
Male |
195 |
(48.0) |
Diverse |
1 |
(0.2) |
Age groups
18 to 24 years |
33 |
(8.1) |
25 to 44 years |
121 |
(29.8) |
45 to 64 years |
127 |
(31.3) |
65 years or older |
125 |
(30.8) |
Insurance status
Statutory health insurance |
341 |
(84.0) |
Private health insurance |
65 |
(16.0) |
Professional/Vocational education
No professional training (yet) |
16 |
(3.9) |
Professional training |
213 |
(52.5) |
(technical) university degree |
177 |
(43.6) |
Employment status
Not employed |
10 |
(2.5) |
In professional training / student |
23 |
(5.7) |
Employed |
232 |
(57.1) |
Self-employed |
18 |
(4.4) |
Retired |
123 |
(30.3) |
Under 5,000 inhabitants |
49 |
(12.1) |
5,000 to 20,000 inhabitants |
79 |
(19.5) |
20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants |
80 |
(19.7) |
More than 100,000 inhabitants |
198 |
(48.8) |
Who decides about patients’ treatment? (Range: 0 = “Physician always decides”, 100 = “Patient always decides”; M = 49.56, SD = 17.97) |
Physician always decides (0–33 points) |
51 |
(12.6) |
Physician and patient decide together (34–66 points) |
312 |
(76.8) |
Patient always decides (67–100 points) |
43 |
(10.6) |
Number of physicians visited per patient in the last three months (Median = 2.0, IQR = [1.0; 3.0]) |
None |
36 |
(8.9) |
One or two |
191 |
(47.0) |
Three or more |
179 |
(44.1) |