FIG. 2.
Promoter activities detected in the upstream region of WRN. WRN-Luc plasmids containing various lengths of the WRN upstream region were transiently transfected into HeLa cells as described in Materials and Methods. The diagram on the left shows a map of a series of 5′-truncated WRN promoters in WRN-Luc plasmids. The 5′ ends of the WRN DNA are shown by nucleotide position numbers from the transcription initiation site. Open circles, closed circles, and black boxes indicate Sp1, RCE, and AP2 motifs, respectively. The promoter activities of the 5′-truncated DNA in WRN-Luc plasmids were measured in HeLa cells and are shown as luciferase activity on the right. Each value represents the mean luciferase activity measured in at least three independent experiments. Bars indicate standard deviations of the mean activities, expressed as RLU (relative light units) as specified by the manufacturer (EG&G Bertholdo).