Transcriptional activity of mutated WRN promoter cotransfected with Rb and p53 expression plasmids in Saos2 cellsa
WRN-Luc plasmids containing substitution mutations in Sp1-3, Sp1-2, Sp1-1, and the RCE motif of the WRN promoter region were cotransfected with pCMV1-Rb (1 μg) or pC53-SN3 (0.1 μg) in Saos2 cells, and promoter activities were measured. Fold stimulation by Rb and fold repression by p53 were estimated as relative to the activities of WRN-Luc plasmids alone, considered to be 1.0. The data were reproducible in two independent experiments. Luciferase activity is expressed as RLU (relative light units) as specified by the manufacturer (EG&G Bertholdo).