Table 1.
Brain metastases from breast cancer MRI findings.
First author (year) | Number of Patients | MRI Technique(s) | Anatomical Location(s) | MRI Findings |
Xue (2023) 20 | 4 | T1‐w and T2‐w | Superficial parenchyma lesions and deep lesions |
Young (2023) 21 | 34 | CE MRI | Frontal, temporal, perietal, occipital and cerebellum |
Reibelt (2022) 22 | 15 | 3D T1‐w MPRAGE | L. cerebellum WM, R. pallidum, L. thalamus, L. choroid plexus, L. Lat. ventricle and total GM |
Young (2021) 23 | 38 | T1‐w and T1‐w post | Frontal, temporal, perietal, occipital and cerebellum |
Santos (2020) 24 | 147 | T1‐w, T1‐w post, T2‐w, DWI and T2*‐w | Hippocampal and hydrocephalus |
Zhang (2019) 25 | 3 | T1‐w, T1‐w post, T2‐w, DWI, ADC and FLAIR | NA |
Mayinger (2019) 26 | 851 | 3D T1‐w | Bilateral and central/median subcortical structures |
Kniep (2019) 27 | 37 | T1‐w, T1‐w post and FLAIR | NA |
Ortiz‐Ramón (2018) 28 | 17 | 3D T1‐w | NA |
Skogen (2018) 29 |
5 | DTI | Intracranial lesions without visible haemorrhage, multiple lesions and infratentorial lesions |
Muto (2018) 30 | 13 | DSC | Temporal lobe |
Kyeong (2017) 31 | 100 | 3D T1‐w | HER2‐positive type: occipital, temporal lobes and cerebellum / Luminal type: frontal, occipital lobes and cerebellum |
Kesler (2017) 32 |
74 |
rsfMRI, T2*‐w GRE, HR3D IR, FSPGR GRE T1‐w and DTI | R. inferior parietal lobe, R. middle inferior orbital frontal gyrus, R. medial superior frontal gyrus, R. inferior and middle frontal gyri, bilateral postcentral gyri, R. precuneus, L. inferior temporal gyrus, L. middle occipital gyrus, R. parietal lobule, R. cuneus, R. superior temporal gyrus and R. inferior temporal gyrus. |
Bette (2017) 33 | 13 | T2‐FLAIR | NA |
Fan (2017) 34 | 13 | T1‐w FLAIR and DWI (before enhancement) and T1‐w FLAIR | R. occipital lobe |
Franceschi (2016) 35 | 38 | T1‐w post and SWI | NA |
Kesler (2015) 36 | 36 | DTI and T1‐w | L. corpus callosum, bilateral inferior longitudinal fasciculus, L inferior fronto‐occipital fasciculus, and bilateral temporal and frontal lobe white matter |
Yeh (2015) 37 | 62 | T1‐w, T1‐w post, T2‐w fast spin echo (FSE), FLAIR and DWI | Parietal lobe, R. frontal lobe and L. cerebellum |
Quattrocchi (2014) 38 | 42 | T1w, T1‐w post and T2‐w FLAIR | Parieto‐occipital lobes and cerebellum |
Huang (2010) 39 | 17 | Multivoxel 2D‐CSI MRS and DCE (n = 21 BC) | NA |
Hakyemez (2010) 40 | 5 | T2‐w and PWI for rCBV | NA |
Takeda (2008) 41 | 13 | 2D T1‐w SE, 3D MPRAGE T1‐w post, 2D T1‐w SE post and 2D T2‐w SE | Posterior fossa, middle fossa and supratentorial |
Kremer (2003) 42 | 2 | T1‐w, T2‐w, T2*‐w, R2* and DCE | NA |
Geijer (2002) 43 | 1 | T1‐w, T2‐w, DWI and ADC | Lateral wall of the posterior horn of the L. lateral ventricle and falx cerebri |
2D T1‐w SE, two‐dimensional T1‐weighted spin echo; 2D T2‐w SE, two‐dimensional T2‐weighted spin echo; 3D T1‐w MPRAGE, 3D T1‐weighted magnetisation prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; BC, breast cancer; BMs, brain metastases; CBV, cerebral blood volume; CE MRI, contrast‐enhanced MRI; CE, contrast‐enhanced; DCE, dynamic contrast‐enhanced; DSC, dynamic susceptibility contrast; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; DWI, diffusion‐weighted imaging; EVR, enhanced volume ratio; FLAIR, fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery; FSPGR, fast spoiled gradient recalled; GBM, glioblastoma multiforme; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; HIF‐1, hypoxia‐inducible factor‐1; HR3D IR high‐resolution 3D inversion recovery; L., Left; LAVA, liquid attenuation inversion recovery; LITT, laser interstitial thermal therapy; MPRAGE, magnetisation prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Multivoxel 2D‐CSI MRS, multivoxel two‐dimensional chemical shift Imaging magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PWI, perfusion‐weighted imaging; R., right; R2*, transverse relaxation rate; rCBV, relative cerebral blood volume; rsfMRI, resting‐state functional MRI; SWI, susceptibility‐weighted imaging; T1‐w post, T1‐weighted postcontrast; T1‐w, T1‐weighted; T2*‐w, T2‐star weighted; T2‐w, T2‐weighted; TNBC, triple‐negative breast cancer; WMH, white matter hyperintensities.
Hurst exponent measures a time series' memory, with values >0.5 showing trends and <0.5 indicating mean reversion.