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. 2023 Aug 10;71(1):133–141. doi: 10.1002/jmrs.715

Table 1.

Brain metastases from breast cancer MRI findings.

First author (year) Number of Patients MRI Technique(s) Anatomical Location(s) MRI Findings
Xue (2023) 20 4 T1‐w and T2‐w Superficial parenchyma lesions and deep lesions
  • Following LITT, the majority of tumours exhibited an increase in volume on the MRI scan taken after 30 days. Additionally, if the EVR is greater than 40% on the 30‐day MRI, it could suggest a possibility of tumour recurrence at a later stage

Young (2023) 21 34 CE MRI Frontal, temporal, perietal, occipital and cerebellum
  • The HER2 status of BC BMs was significantly associated with lesion contour and composition on MRI

Reibelt (2022) 22 15 3D T1‐w MPRAGE L. cerebellum WM, R. pallidum, L. thalamus, L. choroid plexus, L. Lat. ventricle and total GM
  • Subcortical volume changes after radiotherapy are a sensitive indicator of neuroanatomical modifications and brain atrophy

Young (2021) 23 38 T1‐w and T1‐w post Frontal, temporal, perietal, occipital and cerebellum
  • The prospective validation of MRI enhancement for detecting HER2 overexpression in BC BMs is warranted

Santos (2020) 24 147 T1‐w, T1‐w post, T2‐w, DWI and T2*‐w Hippocampal and hydrocephalus
  • The prognosis of the disease and certain imaging features of the BM can be predicted based on the BC subtype, but not their distribution

Zhang (2019) 25 3 T1‐w, T1‐w post, T2‐w, DWI, ADC and FLAIR NA
  • ADC‐based texture analysis can be used to distinguish between solitary BM and GBM, and it is recommended that the ROI be placed on the solid portion when calculating the ADC‐based texture metrics

Mayinger (2019) 26 851 3D T1‐w Bilateral and central/median subcortical structures
  • The size of the brain's substructure varied significantly between the patients

  • The volumetric size of the fourth ventricle could be a useful diagnostic marker in the future

Kniep (2019) 27 37 T1‐w, T1‐w post and FLAIR NA
  • Using a machine‐learning classifier trained on quantitative features of routine MR images of the brain, we found high discriminatory accuracy in predicting the tumour type of BMs

Ortiz‐Ramón (2018) 28 17 3D T1‐w NA
  • After image quantisation with the appropriate number of grey levels, the texture features of volumetric MRI can be used to distinguish between BMs and different primary cancers

Skogen (2018) 29

5 DTI Intracranial lesions without visible haemorrhage, multiple lesions and infratentorial lesions
  • Radiologists can differentiate between GBM and single BM by evaluating the heterogeneity around the tumour

  • By having a better idea of the tumour's severity, doctors can better prepare for surgical removal and care for the patient afterwards

Muto (2018) 30 13 DSC Temporal lobe
  • DSC is a clinically useful method for distinguishing between tumour recurrence, tumour necrosis and pseudoprogression in patients with cerebral metastases

  • A cut‐off value of 2.1 for rCBV was found to be the most accurate and consistent measurement

Kyeong (2017) 31 100 3D T1‐w HER2‐positive type: occipital, temporal lobes and cerebellum / Luminal type: frontal, occipital lobes and cerebellum
  • Hot spots of triple‐negative metastases are evenly distributed in the brain, whereas BMs of HER2 positive and luminal type occur predominantly in the occipital lobe and cerebellum

  • When BMs from the TNBC were compared with other types, they were found more frequently in the frontal lobe, limbic region and parietal lobe

  • Different types of BC often show a variety of BM distribution patterns

Kesler (2017) 32


rsfMRI, T2*‐w GRE, HR3D IR, FSPGR GRE T1‐w and DTI R. inferior parietal lobe, R. middle inferior orbital frontal gyrus, R. medial superior frontal gyrus, R. inferior and middle frontal gyri, bilateral postcentral gyri, R. precuneus, L. inferior temporal gyrus, L. middle occipital gyrus, R. parietal lobule, R. cuneus, R. superior temporal gyrus and R. inferior temporal gyrus.
  • For the BC group, structural and functional clustering was found to be significantly inversely related, while functional clustering was found to be significantly positively related to the Hurst exponent a

  • Greater cognitive impairment was associated with greater overlap between structural and functional connectome clustering

  • The significance of structural and functional connectome properties is a potential biomarker of general neurologic deficit

Bette (2017) 33 13 T2‐FLAIR NA
  • With previously resected BMs, the FLAIR signal intensity of the fluid inside the resection cavity increases

Fan (2017) 34 13 T1‐w FLAIR and DWI (before enhancement) and T1‐w FLAIR R. occipital lobe
  • Gadobutrol (0.1 mmol/kg body weight) enhanced MR using a 3 T T1‐w FLAIR sequence, leading to more central BMs and more metastases overall. Postcontrast MRI in patients with BMs is recommended to be delayed for 7 min in clinical practice

Franceschi (2016) 35 38 T1‐w post and SWI NA
  • The occurrence of bleeding was shown to be rare in micro‐metastases using SWI and contrast‐enhanced high‐resolution T1‐w imaging, but prevalent in larger metastases independent of the initial cause, melanoma versus BC

  • Haemorrhage was more prevalent in melanoma than in original BC, especially in the larger metastases that developed from both of these cancers

Kesler (2015) 36 36 DTI and T1‐w L. corpus callosum, bilateral inferior longitudinal fasciculus, L inferior fronto‐occipital fasciculus, and bilateral temporal and frontal lobe white matter
  • The BC group had a significantly greater number of streamline fibres than the controls, but these streamlines were shorter and had a lower mean FA

Yeh (2015) 37 62 T1‐w, T1‐w post, T2‐w fast spin echo (FSE), FLAIR and DWI Parietal lobe, R. frontal lobe and L. cerebellum
  • TNBC patients were more likely to have cystic necrotic BMs visible on MR images

  • There are unique MRI characteristics of patients with TNBC BMs that aid in the evaluation of newly developed BMs

Quattrocchi (2014) 38 42 T1w, T1‐w post and T2‐w FLAIR Parieto‐occipital lobes and cerebellum
  • The large proportion of patients with BC and the high number of cerebellar metastases influenced the results in the non‐lung cancer group

  • Patients showed significant clusters in the cerebellum when WMHs was absent. In contrast, no distribution shift was observed in the presence of WMH, suggesting that WMH does not have any effect on the brain distribution of BM in these patients

Huang (2010) 39 17 Multivoxel 2D‐CSI MRS and DCE (n = 21 BC) NA
  • HIF‐1 can be responsible for the association between choline metabolism and tumour perfusion in BMs

Hakyemez (2010) 40 5 T2‐w and PWI for rCBV NA
  • PWI is used as a supportive method in cases where conventional images fail to differentiate metastatic lesions from gliomas

  • Intra‐tumoural rCBV measurements do not contribute significantly to this differentiation. However, as peritumoural oedema displays low rCBV ratios in metastatic lesions and higher rCBV ratios in high‐grade gliomas, it can be used to differentiate these two lesions

  • Mass and rCBV ratios of the oedema surrounding the tumour prior to operation in solitary masses proved to be useful for differentiating metastases from high‐grade gliomas

Takeda (2008) 41 13 2D T1‐w SE, 3D MPRAGE T1‐w post, 2D T1‐w SE post and 2D T2‐w SE Posterior fossa, middle fossa and supratentorial
  • BM detection using 3D MPRAGE was more effective than using 2D SE

Kremer (2003) 42 2 T1‐w, T2‐w, T2*‐w, R2* and DCE NA
  • Large and solitary necrotic metastases can be indistinguishable from high‐grade astrocytomas

  • A high rCBV level can indicate a hypervascular lesion

Geijer (2002) 43 1 T1‐w, T2‐w, DWI and ADC Lateral wall of the posterior horn of the L. lateral ventricle and falx cerebri
  • In BC metastases, the lesions were surrounded by oedema

  • Standard DWI protocols show significant overlap between the characteristics of common BMs and those of subacute and acute ischemic lesions

2D T1‐w SE, two‐dimensional T1‐weighted spin echo; 2D T2‐w SE, two‐dimensional T2‐weighted spin echo; 3D T1‐w MPRAGE, 3D T1‐weighted magnetisation prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; BC, breast cancer; BMs, brain metastases; CBV, cerebral blood volume; CE MRI, contrast‐enhanced MRI; CE, contrast‐enhanced; DCE, dynamic contrast‐enhanced; DSC, dynamic susceptibility contrast; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; DWI, diffusion‐weighted imaging; EVR, enhanced volume ratio; FLAIR, fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery; FSPGR, fast spoiled gradient recalled; GBM, glioblastoma multiforme; HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; HIF‐1, hypoxia‐inducible factor‐1; HR3D IR high‐resolution 3D inversion recovery; L., Left; LAVA, liquid attenuation inversion recovery; LITT, laser interstitial thermal therapy; MPRAGE, magnetisation prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Multivoxel 2D‐CSI MRS, multivoxel two‐dimensional chemical shift Imaging magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PWI, perfusion‐weighted imaging; R., right; R2*, transverse relaxation rate; rCBV, relative cerebral blood volume; rsfMRI, resting‐state functional MRI; SWI, susceptibility‐weighted imaging; T1‐w post, T1‐weighted postcontrast; T1‐w, T1‐weighted; T2*‐w, T2‐star weighted; T2‐w, T2‐weighted; TNBC, triple‐negative breast cancer; WMH, white matter hyperintensities.


Hurst exponent measures a time series' memory, with values >0.5 showing trends and <0.5 indicating mean reversion.