Left, blue: percentages of chromothripsis-positive samples per cancer
type are from Cortes-Ciriano et al., Nat Genet 2020; descending from top to
bottom. Right, red: percentages of ecDNA-positive samples per cancer type are
from Kim et al., Nat Genet 2020. Cancer types, similar or matching between the
two studies are shown. Fractions show the number of chromothripsis-positive
(left, blue) or ecDNA-positive (right, red) samples per total number of samples
analyzed per given cancer type in the corresponding study. Left (blue): the
cancer types abbreviations (top to bottom) are: SoftTissue-Liposarc,
liposarcoma, soft tissue; CNS-GBM, central nervous system glioblastoma;
Eso-AdenoCA, esophagus adenocarcinoma; Skin-Melanoma, skin melanoma;
Lung-AdenoCA, lung adenocarcinoma; Breast-AdenoCA, breast adenocarcinoma;
Prost-AdenoCA, prostate adenocarcinoma; Lung-SCC, lung squamous cell carcinoma;
Panc-AdenoCA, pancreatic adenocarcinoma; Ovary-AdenoCA, ovary adenocarcinoma;
Stomach-AdenoCA, stomach adenocarcinoma; Biliary-AdenoCA, biliary
adenocarcinoma; Bladder-TCC, bladder transitional cell carcinoma; Kidney-RCC,
kidney renal cell carcinoma; ColoRect-AdenoCA, colorectal adenocarcinoma;
Liver-HCC, liver hepatocellular carcinoma; Bone-Epith, bone neoplasm,
epithelioid; Cervix-SCC, cervix squamous cell carcinoma; Lymph-BNHL, lymphoid
mature B-cell lymphoma; Head-SCC, head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma;
CNS-Medullo, CNS medulloblastoma; Thy-AdenoCA, thyroid low-grade adenocarcinoma;
Lymph-CLL, lymphoid chronic lymphocytic leukemia; Myeloid-MDS, myeloid
myelodysplastic syndrome; Myeloid-MPN, myeloid myeloproliferative neoplasm;
Myeloid-AML, myeloid acute myeloid leukemia.