Table 1.
Participant quotes for the most common themes of facilitators to adherence described.
Themes (COM-B domain) | Quotations |
Medication Access* (Capability) | When I realized the severity of not taking my medication, then my mom or my aunts and uncles, they tried to pull together and send me money so that I could get my medicine.” [female, age 40s, nonadherent] |
Medication Reminders* (Opportunity) | I keep it visual where I see it every day in the main room. So, I see it and I know I have to take it. It’s not thrown in a drawer somewhere where I forget… No, it’s right here in the kitchen. I’m here 10 times a day and I know to take it. [female, age 60s, adherent] |
Social Support* (Opportunity) | I actually talk to my ex when I’m struggling. Even though he’s not a big pill person, he is on me about taking my medicine. He talks me through it, and be like, “Trust me, you just need to take it. You know what happens when you’re in a flare, so we don’t wanna see that again.” [female, age 30s, nonadherent] |
Physical Health* (Motivation) | … I just don’t want to feel like I have before, that I’m not dragged down to that point again…. so I’m gonna take it regardless of how I feel, up or down, whatever, I take my pills at the same time because I do not want to do that again. [male, age 40s, adherent] |
Patient Education and Communication^ (Motivation) | I wish we had some online videos [about what the medications are] for, the possible side effects, how to manage side effects, outcomes of people who took them successfully… like [patient] testimonials in both directions… being able to provide education that is accessible to patients… because people can’t remember everything. [Physician] |
Empowerment ^ (Motivation) | I had one person, he had really bad lupus two years ago…. He wasn’t taking his meds, and we put him on CellCept and now he’s on Myfortic and things are better. And so, I asked why? Part of it was he felt like he trusted me, and I cared about him. But the other part was him. He just decided he can do this. He can take his meds, he can live with it, and he can change his own life. [Physician] |
Reported by both patients and providers/staff;
Reported by providers only; COM-B = Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behavior