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. 2023 Dec 28;46:121. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2023.46.121.41640

Table 1.

characteristics of sexually active women aged 15-49 years, interviewed in the 2019/20 Rwanda DHS (N=8,481)

Covariate Category Condom use N (%) Total p-value
      No Yes N %
Age group 15-24 1093(13.2) 297 (3.3) 1390 16.5 <0.001
   25-34 2964(35.1) 312(3.9) 3276 38.9
35-49 3510(41.0) 305(3.6) 3815 44.5
Residence Urban 1612(15.5) 330(3.5) 1942 19.0 <0.001
Rural 5955(73.7) 584(7.3) 6539 81.0
Kigali 864(12.0) 212(2.8) 1076 14.7 <0.001
Region South 1851(19.1) 186(1.9) 2037 21.0
West 1707(19.1) 195(2.2) 1902 21.3
North 1251(14.2) 113(1.3) 1364 15.5
East 1894(24.8) 208(2.6) 2102 27.4
Living with a man Yes 7102(83.9) 491(6.0) 7593 89.9 <0.001
No 465(5.3) 423(4.8) 888 10.1
Education No education 946(11.3) 57(0.7 1003 12.0 <0.001
Primary 4923(58.0) 540(6.3) 5463 64.3
Secondary 1316(15.8) 258(3.1) 1574 18.9
Higher 382(4.1) 59(0.7) 441 4.8
Employment No 1228(14.3) 182(2.1) 1410 16.4 0.005
Yes 6339(74.9) 732(8.7) 7071 83.6
Wealth index Poor 3057(35.3) 277(3.2) 3334 38.5 0.000
Middle 1500(18.1 121(1.5) 1621 19.6
Rich 3010(35.8) 516(6.1) 3526 41.9
Religion Catholic 2791(32.4) 370(4.3) 3161 36.8 <0.001
   Protestant 3543(43.2) 369(4.5) 3912 47.7
Adventist 870(11.5) 120(1.4) 1090 12.9
Muslim 137(1.5) 37(0.4) 174 1.9
Other religions 50(0.7) 5(0.1) 55 0.7
Have comprehensive knowledge of HIV No 3213(37.8) 87(4.5) 3600 42.3 0.871
Yes 4354(51.5) 527(6.2) 4881 57.7
Ever tested for HIV No 343(3.9) 68(0.7) 411 4.6 <0.001
Yes 7224(85.4) 846(10.0) 8070 95.4
HIV discriminatory attitudes No 3858(45.8) 427(5.0) 4285 50.8 0.025
Yes 3709(43.5) 487(5.7) 4196 49.2
Lifetime number of sexual partners One 5140(60.6) 376(4.4) 5516 65.0 <0.001
Two 1614(19.1) 236(2.7) 1850 21.9
Three or more 805(9.5) 299(3.6) 1104 13.1
Had STI in last 12 Months No 7212(85.1) 845(9.9) 8057 95.1 0.001
Yes 351(4.0) 68(0.8) 419 4.9
Do not know 4(0.1) 1(0.0) 5 0.1
Pregnancy No 547(6.6) 229(2.5) 776 9.1 <0.001
Yes 7020(82.7) 685(8.2) 7705 90.9
Experienced any sexual violence No 7390(87.1) 899(10.6) 8289 97.7 0.210
Yes 177(2.1) 15(0.2) 192 2.3
Access to medpercentagesia No 7313(86.5) 861(10.2) 8174 96.7 0.003
Yes 254(2.7) 53(0.6) 307 3.3

Note that the percentage presented are weighted. %: percent; HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus; CI: confidence interval; GBV: gender based violence