1 |
What is the average blood loss in unilateral cleft lip repair in patients aged between 6 months to 1 year (personal experience)? |
(a) 10-20 mL, (b) 20-40 mL (c), 40-60 mL, (d) Above 60 mL |
2 |
What is the average blood loss in bilateral cleft lip repair in patients aged between 6 months to 1 year (as per personal experience)? |
(a) 10-20 mL, (b) 20-40 mL, (c) 40-60 mL, (d) Above 60 mL |
3 |
What is the average hemoglobin level of patients reporting cleft lip to your centers for the repair of cleft lip? |
(a) Less than 8 gm/dL, (b) 8-9 gm/dL, (c) 9-11 gm/dL, (d) Above 12 mg/dL |
4 |
Have you ever been required to transfuse blood post-cleft lip repair? |
(a) Yes, (b) No |
5 |
Do you apply the ‘Rule of 10’ as a standard for case selection in cleft lip repair? |
(a) Yes, (b) No |
6 |
Does delay in the surgery of cleft lip impact the long-term outcomes of cleft lip repair? |
(a) Yes, (b) No |
7 |
What is the minimum Hb% and weight of the child at your centres for unilateral cleft lip repair? |
Answer |
8 |
What is the minimum Hb% and weight of the child at your centres for bilateral cleft lip repair? |
Answer |
9 |
How do you proceed with patients presenting with cleft lip with pre-operative lower levels of haemoglobin between 8-10 gm%? |
(a) Delay in surgery with nutritional supplements, (b) Proceed with surgery with nutritional supplements, (c) Proceed with the procedure with blood loss-reducing agents (haemostatic agents), (d) Others |
10 |
What complications have you recorded when operating on a child with less than 9 gm% of Hb (surgical and aesthetic)? |
a) Increased bleeding, b) Poor healing, c) Intraoperative desaturation, d) None |
11 |
What all preoperative and intraoperative anaesthetic measures are taken in your centres to reduce bleeding in patients with haemoglobin between 8 and 10 gm%? |
a) Judicious use of cautery, b) Systemic tranexamic agents, c) Mechanical pressure, d) Nothing specific |
12 |
Age at which repair of cleft lip is undertaken at your centre. |
a) < 3 months, b) 3-6 months, c) More than 6 months |
13 |
Your comments on the “Rule of 10” for cleft lip repair. |
a) Gold standard, b) Not relevant in the current era, c) Not a standard that always needs to be adhered to |