Figure 1. Circulating tumor antigen reactive T cells in patients with advanced melanoma.
A) Design and analytical pipeline of 5’ droplet-based single-cell RNA sequencing with paired T cell receptor sequencing experiment to identify tumor antigen reactive T cells. B) Heatmap displaying the top ten differentially expressed genes of T cell transcriptional clusters identified from single-cell RNA sequencing. C) Proportion of transcriptional clusters in tumor antigen predicted-reactive or predicted-unreactive T cells. D) UMAP dimensionality reduction plot of circulating T cells labeled with transcriptional clusters or E) predicted tumor antigen reactivity. F) Histogram of the log-normalized proportion of the total T cell repertoire occupied by a given clonotype (“Expansion Score”) based on predicted tumor antigen reactivity. G) Violin plot of the T cell receptor repertoire diversity for each predicted reactivity group, as quantified by the Shannon Diversity Index. Diversity metrics for each patient are represented by separate dots. Between group differences are measured by Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance (p < 0.05, **** p < 0.001).