Disease progression |
Rapid progression |
Gradual loss of ability to do the things patients used to be able to do |
Anxiety about disease progression |
Progression that does not stop even after transplantation |
Seizures |
Difficulty in managing body temperature |
Complication progression |
Muscle tone |
Scoliosis |
Joint contractures and dislocations |
Dystonia |
Coordination of life support |
Daily living care |
Bathing assistance |
Use of day service |
Use of short stay |
Use of residential facilities |
Use of day rehabilitation |
Patient communication |
Decreased vision |
Sensitivity to touch |
Hearing sensitivity |
Loss of responsiveness |
Children's own way of expressing themself |
What makes patient's happy |
Interaction with the outside world |
Interaction with others |
Behavioral restrictions due to tracheostomy |
Interaction with patient groups and close friends |
Sharing information via video |
School-related issues |
Relationship with school |
Burden of commuting to school |
Visiting education |