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. 2023 Oct 6;3:1274197. doi: 10.3389/finsc.2023.1274197

Table 2.

List of 27 three-dimensional crystal structures, classification, and function of insect Odorant Binding Proteins.

Order Species Name Name (PDB number) Classification Function Reference*
Blattodea Leucophaea maderae PBP (1ORG) Classic Involved in recognition of sex pheromone components: 3-hydroxy-butan-2-on and butane-2,3-diol (37, 38)
Coleoptera Tenebrio molitor THP12 (1C3Z) Minus-C N/A (39)
Diptera Aedes aegypti OBP1 (3K1E) Classic N/A (40)
OBP22 (6OG0) Classic Potentially involved in the recognition of fatty acids (41)
Anopheles gambiae OBP1 (2ERB) Classic Involved in host recognition (42-45)
OBP7 (3R1P) Plus-C N/A (46)
OBP20 (3VB1) Classic N/A (47)
OBP47 (3PM2) Plus-C N/A (48)
OBP48 (4KYN) Plus-C N/A (49)
Culex quinquefasciatus OBP1 (3OGN) Classic Modulates ovipositional preference (50, 51)
Drosophila melanogaster OBP28A (6QQ4) Classic Involved in the detection and mediation of sensitivity to fruit-like odors (52)
LUSH (OBP76A) (1T14) Classic Involved in host and pheromone recognition through mediation of alcohol compounds (53-55)
Hemiptera Megoura viciae OBP3 (4Z39) Classic Potentially involved in the recognition of alarm pheromones (56)
Nasovonia ribisnigri OBP3 (4Z45) Classic Potentially involved in the recognition of alarm pheromones (56)
Hymenoptera Apis melifera ASP1 (OBP1) (3BJH) Classic Involved in the recognition of the queen pheromone (57-60)
OBP5 (3R72) Classic N/A To be published
ASP2 (GOBP2) (1TUJ) Classic Involved in non-sexual pheromone recognition To be published, (61, 62)
OBP14 (3S0A) Minus-C Binds with the highest affinity to citralva and eugenol (63)
Lepidoptera Amyelois transitella PBP1 (2KPH) Classic Involved in the recognition and transport of non-polar pheromone (64, 65)
Antheraea polyphemus PBP1 (1QWV) Classic Involved in the recognition of sex pheromone component (E, Z)-6,11-hexadecadienyl acetate (AC1) (66-69)
Bombyx mori PBP1 (1DQE) Classic Modulates sensitivity to the sex pheromone bombykol (70-72)
GOBP2 (2WC5) Classic Involved in the recognition and discrimination of the sex pheromones bombykol and bombykal (73, 74)
Epiphyas postvittana PBP3 (6VQ5) Classic Involved in recognition of sex pheromone components: E11-14: OAc and E9, E11-14: OAc (75)
Helicoverpa armigera PBP1 (7VW8) Classic Involved in recognition of sex pheromone components: to Z11-16: Ald and Z9-16: Ald (76, 77)
Lymantria dispar PBP1 (6UM9) Classic N/A (78)
Neuroptera Chrysopa pallens OBP4 (6JPM) Classic Involved in the recognition of prey host plant volatiles (79, 80)
Orthoptera Locusta migratoria OBP1 (4PT1) Classic N/A (81)

PDB, protein database; N/A, not available; OaC, acetoxy functional group; Ald, aldehyde functional group. * These references are listed in the Supplementary Material .