Figure 3.
Bee antiviral protein-1 (Bap1) is a disordered protein coexpressed with several other immune genes. (A) The PrDOS web tool was used to predict disorder probability at each amino acid position in Bap1. PrDOS predicted that 67.2% of Bap1 has a more than 50% probability of being disordered. (B) SignalP-5.0 was used to predict the presence of a signal peptide on the N-terminus. It is highly likely that bap1 has a signal peptide (probability of 0.983) that is cleaved off between amino acids 21 and 22. (C) Weighted gene correlation network analysis (WGCNA) was used to identify genes that are highly coexpressed in various contexts (i.e., virus infection or dsRNA administration). WGCNA identified that module (a highly coexpressed cluster of genes) #38 was associated with virus infection with a correlation of 0.54 (p = 1 × 10−4, Supplementary Figure S5) and contained bap1. This module also contained several immune genes including ago1, Tudor-SN, and TEP7. For full subnetwork see Supplementary Figure S6.