Fig. 4.
Pairwise gene and reaction Jaccard distances among strain-specific genome-scale metabolic models (GSMMs) derived from different reference models. Jaccard distances were calculated based on gene (a) and reaction (b) contents of pairs of strain-specific GSMMs derived from each of the iYL1223, iKp1289, KpSC pan v1 and KpSC pan v2 reference models. A Kruskal–Wallis H-test indicated that the distributions were different (Genes: P<2.2×10−16, d.f.=3; Reactions: P<2.2×10−16, d.f.=3). Pairwise comparisons indicated a significant difference between the distributions for KpSC pan v2 and all others (Mann–Whitney test; Genes and Reactions: P<2.2×10−16, Bonferroni correction threshold=0.0167).