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. 2024 Feb 5;15(1):16–28. doi: 10.25259/JNRP_379_2023

Supplementary Table S1:

The units and original data reported, conversion for quantitative synthesis and rational of conversion.

Study (Author) Sample size Unit D-Dimer Remarks for conversion calculations
Cancer No active cancer Cancer No active cancer
Beyeler, 2022[52] 61 940 Reported: D-dimer in μg/L (median, IQR) 1689 (652-6852) 1689 652 6852 701 (367.5-1524.5) 701 367.5 1524.5 The values were converted from µg/L unit to mg/L and then the median values were converted to mean and standard deviation using the formula below. The text in the manuscript contains the values reported by authors, while the values in the forest plot are computed mean values for quantitative analysis.
S.P. Hozo, B. Djulbegovic, and I. Hozo, BMC Medical Research Methodology 2005,5:13
Converted: D-dimer in mg/L (median, IQR) 1.689 0.652 6.85 0.7 0.368 1.5245
Converted: D-dimer (mg/L) (mean±standard deviation) 3.06±4.71 0.864±0.859
Gon, 2017[53] 12 108 Reported: D-dimer (μg/mL) (median, IQR) 6.2 (1.2–12.0) 6.2 1.2 12 0.5 (0.3–0.9) 0.5 0.3 0.9 The values were converted from µg/mL unit to mg/L and then the median values were converted to mean and standard deviation using the formula below. The text in the manuscript contains the values reported by authors, while the values in the forest plot are computed mean values for quantitative analysis.
S.P. Hozo, B. Djulbegovic, and I. Hozo, BMC Medical Research Methodology 2005,5:13
Converted: D-dimer (mg/L) (median, IQR) 6.2 1.2 12 0.5 0.3 0.9
Converted: D-dimer (mg/L) (mean±standard deviation) 6.46±9.05 0.57±0.45
Guo, 2014[16] 59 430 Reported: D-dimer (mg/L) (mean±standard deviation) 5.70±9.63 5.7 9.63 0.66±1.83 0.66 1.83 The two means of the SRS group and the Hospital database group was combine using cochrane’s formula.
Altman DG, Machin D, Bryant TN and Gardner MJ. (2000) Statistics with Confidence Second Edition. BMJ Books ISBN 0 7279 1375 1. p. 28-31
Higgins JPT, Li T, Deeks JJ (editors). Chapter 6: Choosing effect measures and computing estimates of effect. In: Higgins JPT, Thomas J, Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page MJ, Welch VA (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions version 6.0 (updated July 2019). Cochrane, 2019.
Sorgun, 2018[54] 46 573 Reported: D-dimer, Median (Min-Max) 1,519.0 (362.0-12,487.0) 1519 362.1 12487 590.5 (42.0-3,191.0) 590.5 42 191 Most common unit of D-dimer is assumed and median is converted to mean with standard deviaion
Converted: D-dimer (mg/L) (mean±standard deviation) 2.74±3.03
Wang, 2019[55] 126 120 Reported: D-dimer, mg/L (median, IQR) 5.7 (4.1–11.7) 5.7 4.1 11.7 1.2 (0.7–6.8) 1.2 0.7 6.8 The text in the manuscript contains the values reported by authors, while the values in the forest plot are computed mean values for quantitative analysis.
S.P. Hozo, B. Djulbegovic, and I. Hozo, BMC Medical Research Methodology 2005,5:13
Converted: D-dimer (mg/L) (mean±standard deviation) 7.17±5.7 2.9±4.58
Wang, 2018[56] 61 76 Reported: D-dimer (μg/ml)(mean±standard deviation) 10.81±13.19 10.81 13.19 0.84±0.80 0.84 0.8 The mean and SD for d-dimer calculated in mg/L units from µg/mL for the purpose of forest plot analysis.
Converted: D-dimer (mg/L)(mean±standard deviation) 10.81±13.19 10.81 13.19 0.84±0.80 0.84 0.8

IQR: Interquartile range, SD: Standard deviation