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. 2024 Feb 23;26(3):euae055. doi: 10.1093/europace/euae055

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics stratified by age groups

Age groups
≤79 years (n = 54 080) 80–89 years (n = 27 740) ≥90 years (n = 2320) P
Demographic characteristics
 Age 72 (68–76) 83 (81–85) 92 (90–94) <0.01
 Biological sex
  Male 32 410 (59.9) 15 425 (55.6) 1260 (54.4) <0.01
  Female 21 670 (40.1) 12 315 (44.4) 1055 (45.6)
  White 45 100 (86.2) 24 135 (89.8) 2050 (91.3) <0.01
  Black 2905 (5.6) 660 (2.5) 40 (1.8)
  Hispanic 2485 (4.7) 1220 (4.5) 105 (4.7)
  Other 1840 (3.5) 865 (3.2) 50 (2.2)
  Medicare 45 655 (86.2) 26 330 (95.8) 2195 (94.7) <0.01
  Medicaid 1005 (1.9) 90 (0.3) <11 (<0.5)a
  Private insurance 6060 (11.4) 965 (3.6) 105 (4.5)
  Self-pay 245 (0.5) 95 (0.3) <11 (<0.5)a
 Income quartileb
  I 12 410 (23.3) 5440 (19.8) 315 (13.8) <0.01
  II 14 335 (26.9) 7145 (26.0) 615 (27.0)
  III 14 475 (27.2) 7720 (28.1) 595 (26.2)
  IV 12 040 (22.6) 7135 (26.1) 750 (33.0)
Hospital characteristics
 Location/teaching status
  Rural 1355 (2.5) 500 (1.8) 35 (1.5) 0.01
  Urban non-teaching 5525 (10.2) 2750 (9.9) 300 (12.9)
  Urban teaching 47 200 (87.3) 24 490 (88.3) 1985 (85.6)
 Bed sizec
  Small 5535 (10.2) 3120 (11.2) 240 (10.3) 0.12
  Medium 12 600 (23.3) 6790 (24.5) 560 (24.2)
  Large 35 945 (66.5) 17 830 (64.3) 1520 (65.5)
  Northeast 8530 (15.8) 4660 (16.8) 465 (20.0) <0.01
  Midwest 12 570 (23.2) 5975 (21.5) 495 (21.3)
  South 22 125 (40.9) 10 585 (38.2) 735 (31.7)
  West 10 855 (20.1) 6520 (23.5) 625 (27.0)
 Elective admission 49 715 (92.1) 25 620 (92.5) 2110 (91.1) 0.50
 Weekend admission 455 (0.8) 250 (0.9) 25 (1.1) 0.78
Clinical characteristics
 Elixhauser comorbidity index 4 (3–6) 4 (3–5) 4 (3–5) <0.01
 Charlson comorbidity index 2 (1–4) 2 (1–3) 2 (1–3) <0.01
  0 11 175 (20.7) 6080 (21.9) 575 (24.7) 0.06
  1 13 040 (24.0) 6655 (24.0) 550 (23.7)
  2 10 315 (19.1) 5530 (19.9) 405 (17.5)
  ≥3 19 550 (36.2) 9475 (34.2) 790 (34.1)
 Diabetes mellitus 21 400 (39.6) 8145 (29.4) 400 (17.2) <0.01
 Hypertension 47 230 (87.3) 24 005 (86.5) 1975 (85.1) 0.16
 Dyslipidaemia 33 685 (62.3) 17 410 (62.8) 1455 (62.7) 0.83
 Nicotine/tobacco use 21 835 (40.4) 10 115 (36.5) 730 (31.5) <0.01
 Alcohol abuse 1055 (2.0) 165 (0.6) 15 (0.6) <0.01
 Drug abuse 245 (0.5) 45 (0.2) <11 (<0.5)a <0.01
 Obesity 11 875 (22.0) 2955 (10.7) 75 (3.2) <0.01
 Coronary artery disease 26 160 (48.4) 14 410 (51.9) 1120 (48.3) <0.01
 Peripheral vascular disease 8580 (15.9) 4660 (16.8) 335 (14.4) 0.19
 Congestive heart failure 21 385 (39.5) 11 135 (40.1) 1105 (47.6) <0.01
 Renal failure 12 660 (23.4) 7015 (25.3) 735 (31.7) <0.01
 Dialysis dependent 1940 (3.6) 385 (1.4) 15 (0.6) <0.01
 Liver disease 1945 (3.6) 400 (1.4) <11 (<0.5)a <0.01
 Chronic pulmonary disease 12 815 (23.7) 5715 (20.6) 350 (15.1) <0.01
 Obstructive sleep apnoea 11 710 (21.7) 3565 (12.9) 145 (6.3) <0.01
 Coagulopathy 2265 (4.2) 1055 (3.8) 120 (5.2) 0.25
 Cancer 1150 (2.1) 665 (2.4) 55 (2.4) 0.52
 Malnutrition 85 (0.2) 50 (0.2) <11 (<0.5)a 0.37
 Dementia 970 (1.8) 1300 (4.7) 100 (4.3) <0.01
 Depression 4955 (9.2) 1750 (6.3) 105 (4.5) <0.01
 Previous history
  Myocardial infarction 7420 (13.7) 3380 (12.2) 235 (10.1) <0.01
  Stroke/TIA 12 250 (22.7) 6830 (24.6) 545 (23.5) 0.01
  Cardiac arrest 360 (0.7) 100 (0.4) <11 (<0.5)a 0.01
  PCI 9110 (16.8) 4795 (17.3) 450 (19.4) 0.32
  CABG 6980 (12.9) 4290 (15.5) 315 (13.6) <0.01
  ICD 3775 (7.0) 1660 (6.0) 105 (4.5) <0.01
  PPM 7735 (14.3) 6510 (23.5) 710 (30.6) <0.01

Data are presented as median (IQR) or n (%). Two authors (M.I. and H.A.) independently verified the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), codes that corresponded to each comorbidity (see Supplementary material online, Table S1), and any disagreements in inclusion or exclusion of ICD-10 codes were discussed with a third author (M.A).

CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; IQR, interquartile range; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PPM, permanent pacemaker; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.

aCell counts < 11 are not reportable per HCUP guidelines.

bEstimated median household incomes are ZIP code-specific, updated annually, and classified into four quartiles indicating the poorest to wealthiest populations.

cBed size categories are based on inpatient beds and are specific to the hospital’s location and teaching status. A more detailed explanation of all the variables in the NIS, including the specific dollar amounts in each category of median household income and the number of hospital beds in each category, is available online (