Fisetin reduces arterial stiffness in old mice by improving aortic intrinsic mechanical wall stiffness. Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured pre‐ and post‐intervention (n = 9–10) (a). Representative stress–strain curve for determination of ex vivo intrinsic mechanical wall stiffness which was assessed by elastic modulus in aortic rings (calculated as the slope of the final four points in the stress–strain curve) (n = 7) (b). Elastic modulus was assessed after ex vivo genetic (GCV) (n = 8–10) (c) and pharmacological (ABT‐263) (n = 9–10) (d) suppression of cellular senescence in aortas obtained from old p16‐3MR (3MR) and wild‐type mice, respectively. Values represent mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05 old vehicle versus old fisetin; ^p < 0.05 versus media only.