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. 2024 Mar 2;12(5):581. doi: 10.3390/healthcare12050581

Table 3.

Treatment modalities and follow-up data of patients with DTC, according to their BMI group.

Normal Weight Overweight Obesity p Value *
BMI 18.5–24.9 BMI 25–29.9 BMI ≥ 30
N = 66, 31.3% N = 81, 38.4% N = 64, 30.3%
Thyroid surgery (n,%) Partial 23, 34.85% 15, 18.52% 17, 26.56% * 0.08
a 0.024
Complete 43, 65.15% 66, 81.48% 47, 73.44% b 0.306
c 0.246
RAI treatment (n,%) No 31, 46.97% 30, 37.04% 29, 45.31% * 0.839
a 0.532
30 mCi 10, 15.15% 16, 19.75% 11, 17.19% b 0.948
≥100 mCi 21, 31.82% 27, 33.33% 20, 31.25% c 0.697
Risk of disease recurrence ¥ (n,%) Low 37, 56.06% 36, 44.44% 29, 45.31% * 0.363
a 0.228
Intermediate or high 25, 37.88% 39, 48.15% 30, 46.88% b 0.276
c 1
Response to treatment § (n,%) Excellent 49, 74.24% 57, 70.37% 37, 57.81% * 0.108
a 0.79
Incomplete # 7, 10.61% 7, 8.64% 12, 18.75% b 0.111
c 0.056
Additional intervention @ (n,%) 0, 0% 5, 6.17% 5, 7.81% * 0.049
a 0.062
b 0.024
c 0.75

* Comparison of all 3 sub-groups, a—overweight versus normal weight, b—obese versus normal weight, c—obese versus overweight; ¥ risk of structural disease recurrence; § response to treatment as was documented at the last follow-up visit; # biochemical and/or structural [28]; @ second thyroid operation, and/or neck dissection, and/or second RAI treatment, and/or external beam irradiation. Due to missing data in some variables the total percent per column might not summarize to 100%. Abbreviations: DTC—differentiated thyroid carcinoma, BMI—body mass index (body weight [Kg] divided by the square of height [meters]), RAI—radioactive iodine, mCi—millicurie.