FIG. 7.
Differential association of SNX1, SNX1A, SNX2, SNX3, and SNX4 with the insulin receptor (IR), EGF receptor, and PDGF receptor. COS7 cells were transiently transfected with expression vectors encoding epitope-tagged SNX1 (lanes 1 and 2), SNX1A (lanes 3 and 4), SNX2 (lanes 5 and 6), SNX3 (lanes 7 and 8), or SNX4 (lanes 9 and 10). Some cells were also transfected with expression vector encoding the human insulin receptor (A), EGF receptor (B), and PDGF receptor (C) (lanes 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10). Total-cell extracts were immunoprecipitated (ippt) with the appropriate anti-receptor antibody and electrophoresed, and resulting blots were probed with either anti-myc or anti-HA antibodies to detect coimmunoprecipitated epitope-tagged sorting nexin molecules (upper panel). To check for expression of the various receptors and each of the sorting nexin molecules, each sample was also immunoblotted with an anti-tag antibody (middle panel) or an anti-receptor antibody (lower panel). Shown above each lane is the approximate molecular weight corresponding to the electrophoretic mobility of each sorting nexin protein. This experiment was repeated three times with similar results.