Food safety legislation is up to date in my country |
Legislation is up to date |
LD |
Food safety legislation is understandable for implementation to all food actors in the supply chain |
Legislation is understandable |
LU |
Food safety authorities have a proactive approach to improving food safety |
Proactive approach |
PA |
Food safety authorities transparently share information on new and emerging food safety risks |
Transparently share information |
TI |
Food safety knowledge among food inspection services is at a high level |
Knowledge of food inspection services |
KI |
Food safety knowledge among food handlers in companies operating within the food supply value chain is adequate |
Knowledge among food handlers |
KH |
Food safety knowledge among food consumers is adequate |
Knowledge among food consumers |
KC |
Foodborne outbreaks in my country are investigated with appropriate corrective action taken |
Outbreak investigation |
OI |
Foodborne outbreaks in my country are communicated to all stakeholders |
Outbreak communication |
OC |
(Private) Assessment/audit services in my country play a role in improving the food safety levels of audited companies |
Assessment/audit services |
AS |
Food safety management systems are based on scientific knowledge |
Scientific knowledge |
SK |
Laboratory methods have improved in terms of use of detecting new food safety hazards |
Laboratory methods |
LM |
Food safety systems in companies in my country have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic |
System change in COVID-19 |
S19 |
Work of the food safety authority in my country has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic |
Authority changes in COVID-19 |
A19 |
Microbial hazards are effectively controlled in food companies in my country |
Microbial hazards |
MH |
Chemical hazards are effectively controlled in food companies in my country |
Chemical hazards |
CH |
Physical hazards are effectively controlled in food companies in my country |
Physical hazards |
PH |
Antimicrobial resistance in the livestock/aquatic sector is effectively controlled in my country |
Antimicrobial resistance |
AR |
Food fraud is an important food safety issue |
Food fraud |
FF |
Food safety culture has improved in the last 12 months in my country |
Food safety culture |
FC |
Food companies are continually improving their management tools in mitigating food safety risks |
Continually improving |
CI |
Do new distribution channels, including e-commerce in my country, bring new levels of food safety risks? |
New distribution channels |
DI |
Does globalization of trade bring new food safety risks? |
Globalization of trade |
GL |
Novel food processing technologies overall improve food safety |
Novel food technologies |
NO |