Syt7 reduces short-term depression of striatal dopamine release. A, Representative fluorescent image of a sagittal brain slice with adeno-associated virus (AAV)-driven dLight expression in the dorsal striatum. B, Experimental method used to capture fluorescence with an amplified photodiode detector mounted on an upright microscope. C, Representative dLight transients recorded on the first and fortieth trials during an experiment with (right) or without (left) wash-in of the D1 antagonist SKF83566. D, Average response amplitudes for slices kept in control ACSF or superfused with the D1R antagonist SKF83566. E, Response amplitudes recorded from WT (N = 18) and Syt7 KO animals (N = 18). F, Representative responses to paired-pulse stimulation at 1 s intervals; each trace represents the average of five trials. G, As in F, but for 50 ms stimulus interval, illustrating how the response to a single stimulus (A1) was used to determine the amplitude of the second response (A2). H, Paired-pulse ratios (PPR = A2/A1) at varying interstimulus intervals. I, Ratio of WT and Syt7 KO PPR values, showing single exponential fit with 170 ms decay. Data in all figures expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical significances assessed by Kruskal–Wallis (E) or unpaired Student's t test (D,H) are shown as *p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001.