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. 2024 Feb 10;48(4):905–912. doi: 10.1007/s00264-024-06106-7

Table 3.

Clinical evaluation outcomes

DB group (n = 26) SB group (n = 29) P Value
Lysholm score Median (IRQ)/n (%) Median (IQR)/n (%)
  Preoperatively 72 (58–82) 62 (51–72) n.s
  15-year follow-up 90 (83–97) 89 (76–94) n.s
IKDC subjective score
  15-year follow-up 85 (78–95) 82 (65–94) n.s
IKDC function score
  Preoperatively 5 (4–5.25) 5 (2.5–5) n.s
  15-year follow-up 8 (7–10) 8 (7–9) n.s
KT-1000 arthrometer difference, mm
  Preoperatively 5 (3–6) 5 (3–6) n.s
  15-year follow-up 1 (0–2) 1 (-1–2) n.s
Pivot shift test
  Preoperatively n.s
    Normal 0 0
    Nearly normal 9 (35) 11 (38)
    Abnormal 17 (65) 16 (55)
    Severely abnormal 0 2 (7)
  15-year follow-up n.s
    Normal 23 (88) 23 (79)
    Nearly normal 3 (12) 5 (17)
    Abnormal 0 1 (4)
    Severely abnormal 0 0
Lack of passive extension
  15-year follow-up n.s
    Normal 18 (69) 21 (75)
    Nearly normal 8 (31) 5 (18)
    Abnormal 0 2 (7)
    Severely abnormal 0 0
Lack of passive flexion
  15-year follow-up n.s
    Normal 19 (73) 15 (54)
    Nearly normal 6 (23) 11 (39)
    Abnormal 1 (4) 2 (7)
    Severely abnormal 0 0
IKDC objective score
  Preoperatively n.s
    Normal 0 0
    Nearly normal 0 1 (3)
    Abnormal 25 (96) 23 (79)
    Severely abnormal 1 (4) 5 (17)
  15-year follow-up  < .001*
    Normal 12 (46) 1 (3)
    Nearly normal 12 (46) 21 (72)
    Abnormal 2 (8) 7 (24)
    Severely abnormal 0 0
Functional one leg hop test
  15-year follow-up n.s
    Normal 21 (80) 16 (57)
    Nearly normal 2 (8) 5 (18)
    Abnormal 1 (4) 3 (11)
    Severely abnormal 2 (8) 4 (14)

DB bouble-bundle, SB single-bundle, n.s. not significant, Lysholm score and IKDC subjective score range: 0–100 (100 = best), IKDC function range: 0–10 (10 = best), *Statistically significant result