Figure EV5. Transcript isoform analysis of interferon-stimulated cells.
(A) Bulk RNA-Seq data from Fig. 4 plotting log2FC (+IFN/untreated) for DECs relative to their colinear gene reads. Genes with similar levels of upregulation for circRNA and colinear gene species are labeled. (B) Bulk RNA-Seq data from Fig. 4 plotted as heatmaps showing log2FC (+IFN/untreated) for circRNA species and their colinear gene or transcript isoforms. Gene and transcript quantitation was performed using Salmon and a reference transcriptome fasta. The sample (+IFN-β or +IFN-γ) where a differentially expressed circRNA (DEC) was identified are labeled on the left of each heatmaps as “DEC cluster”. Data Information: Bulk RNA-Seq data was normalized to ERCC spike-in control and log2FC was determined relative to a paired untreated sample. All data plotted is the average of biological replicates (n = 3). The relationship between circRNA and colinear gene expression changes was assessed by linear regression analysis, R2 values are given.