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. 2024 Feb 21;27(3):109289. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109289

Table 1.

Projection areas from LMVN GABAergic neurons

Brain area Axon Brain area Axon
Cerebral cortex Ventromedial preoptic nucleus +
Agranular insular cortex Hypothalamus
Cingulate cortex Accessory olfactory tract +
Dorsal peduncular cortex Anterior hypothalamic area +
Dysgranular insular cortex Anteroventral periventricular nucleus +
Granular insular cortex Arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus +
Indusium griseum Dorsal hypothalamic area +
Infralimbic cortex Dorsal tuberomammillary nucleus ++
Neocortex (all four lobes) Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus ++
Prelimbic cortex ♦ Lateral hypothalamic area (LH) +++
Rhinencephalon ○ Lateral mammillary nucleus (LM) +++
Organum vasculosum + Lateral part of the supramammillary nucleus (SuML) ++
Piriform area Lateral preoptic area ++
Tenia tecta Medial mammillary nucleus (MM) +
Basal forebrain and septum ♦ Medial part of the supramammillary nucleus (SuMM) +++
Fornix + Median eminence
Lambdoid septal zone + Nigrostriatal tract +
Lateral septal nucleus + Parasubthalamic nucleus +
Medial forebrain bundle + Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus +
Medial septal nucleus (MS) ++ Pedunclar part of lateral hypothalamus ++
Nucleus basalis of Meynert + ♦ Posterior hypothalamic area (PH) +++
♦ Nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band (HDB) +++ Premammillary nucleus ++
♦ Nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal band (VDB) +++ Retrochiasmatic area +
Septofimbrial nucleus + Septohypothalamic nucleus ++
Substantia innominata (SI) ++ Stria terminalis +
Ventral pallidum + Subincertal nucleus ++
Basal ganglia and claustrum Subparaventricular zone +
Claustrum Suprachiasmatic nucleus +
Endopiriform claustrum + Supraoptic decussations ++
Globus pallidus Supraoptic nucleus +
Nucleus accumbens + ♦ Tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) +++
Striatum Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus +
Subthalamic nucleus + Amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis +
Epithalamus Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala
Lateral habenula Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis +
Medial habenula Cortex-amygdala transition zone
Stria medullaris + Cortical amygdaloid area +
Thalamus Extended amygdala ++
Anterior pretectal nucleus ++ Medial amygdaloid nucleus +
Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus + Mentral amygdaloid nucleus +
Intergeniculate leaf Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract +
Medial lemniscus (mL) + Hippocampus
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, lateral part + CA1 field
Nucleus of the fields of Forel + CA2 field
Nucleus of the posterior commissure ++ CA3 field
Nucleus reuniens + Dentate gyrus
Paracentral thalamic nucleus + Septohippocampal nucleus +
Parafascicular thalamic nucleus + Midbrain
Paratenial nucleus + Anterior pretectal nucleus +
Posterior intralaminar thalamic nucleus + Central nucleus of the inferior colliculus
Posterior thalamic nuclear group + Deep gray layer of the superior colliculus +
Precommissural nucleus + Deep white layer of the superior colliculus +
Rhomboid nucleus + Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve +
Submedius thalamic nucleus + Dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) ++
Subparafascicular thalamic nucleus + Dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) +
Thalamic reticular nucleus + Dorsomedial periaqueductal gray (dmPAG) +
Subthalamus External nucleus of the inferior colliculus +
Anteromedial thalamic nucleus + Interfascicular nucleus +
Centrolateral thalamic nucleus + Interpeduncular nucleus, caudal subnucleus (IPC) +
Centromedial thalamic nucleus + Interpeduncular nucleus, dorsolateral subnucleus (IPDL)
Fields of Forel + Interpeduncular nucleus, dorsomedial subnucleus (IPDM) +
Interanteromedial thalamic nucleus ++ ♦ Interpeduncular nucleus, intermediate subnucleus (IPI) +++
Paraventricular thalamic nucleus ++ ♦ Interpeduncular nucleus, lateral subnucleus (IPL) +++
Zona incerta ++ Interpeduncular nucleus, rostral subnucleus (IPR) ++
Preoptic Area ○ Interstitial nucleus of Cajal (InC) +++
Magnocellular preoptic nucleus + Lateral periaqueductal gray (lPAG) ++
Medial preoptic area + ♦ Median raphe nucleus (MnR) +++
Medial preoptic nucleus + Mesencephalic reticular formation ++
Median preoptic nucleus + ○ Nucleus of Darkshevich (Dk) +++
Parastrial nucleus + Nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus +
Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus ++ ○ Oculomotor nucleus (3N) +++
○ Oculomotor nucleus, parvicellular part (3PC) +++ ○ Paraabducens nucleus (Pa6) +++
Parabigeminal nucleus + Parvocellular reticular nucleus (PCRt) ++
♦ Paramedian raphe nucleus (PMnR) +++ Pedunculopontine nucleus (PPT) ++
Paranigal nucleus + Pontine nuclei +
Pararubral nucleus + Pontine reticular nucleus (Pn) +
Paratrochlear nucleus + Posterodorsal tegmental nucleus ++
Pre-Edinger-Westphal nucleus ++ Principal sensory trigeminal nucleus ++
Red nucleus + Raphe interpositus nucleus +
Retrorubral field + Superior cerebellar peduncle +
Retrorubral nucleus ++ Superior olive +
Rostral linear nucleus + ○ Superior vestibular nucleus (SVN) ++++
Subpeduncular tegmental nucleus ++ Supragenual nucleus ++
Substantia nigra + Supratrigeminal nucleus ++
Superficial gray layer of the superior colliculus + Trigeminal motor nucleus +
Superior colliculus + Trigeminal nerve ++
○ Supraoculomotor periaqueductal gray (Su3) +++ Trigeminal transition zone +
Supraoculomotor cap (Su3C) ++ Ventral cochlear nucleus +
Trochlear nucleus (4N) ++ Vestibular nerve +
Ventral tegmental area + ○ Vestibulomesencephalic tract (veme) +++
♦ Ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) +++ Medulla
Pons Ambiguous nucleus +
A5 cell group + Caudoventrolateral reticular nucleus +
A7 cell group + Cuneate nucleus ++
○ Abducens nucleus (6N) +++ ○ Descending vestibular nucleus (DVN) ++++
Anterior tegmental nucleus + Dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus (DPGi) ++
Barrington’s nucleus ++ Dorsal part of the medullary reticular nucleus +
Central gray, alpha part (CGA) ++ ○ External cuneate nucleus (ECu) +++
♦ Central gray, beta part (CGB) +++ Gigantocellular reticular nucleus (Gi) ++
Central gray, gamma part (CGG) ++ Gigantocellular reticular nucleus, alpha part (GiA) +
Dorsal cochlear nucleus ++ Gigantocellular reticular nucleus, ventral part (GiV) +
Dorsal lateral parabrachial nucleus, + ○ Hypoglossal nucleus (12N) +++
Dorsal tegmental nucleus (DTg) + Inferior olive ++
Dorsomedial spinal trigeminal nucleus + Intermediate reticular nucleus +
○ Dorsomedial tegmental area (DMTg) +++ Intermedius nucleus of the medulla +
External lateral parabrachial nucleus ++ Interposed cerebellar nucleus +
Facial nucleus Lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi) +
Intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus ++ Lateral reticular nucleus ++
♦ Kolliker-Fuse nucleus (KF) ++++ ○ Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) +++
♦ Lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPB) +++ Nucleus of Roller +
○ Lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN) ++++ Nucleus prepositus (PRP) ++
♦ Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDTg) +++ Nucleus raphe obscurus +
Locus coeruleus (LC) ++ ○ Nucleus x (X) +++
Longitudinal fasciculus of the pons + ○ Nucleus y (Y) +++
♦ Medial parabrachial nucleus (MPB) +++ Parvicellular part of the lateral cerebellar nucleus ++
○ Medial vestibular nucleus magnocellular part (MVNMC) ++++ Retroambiguus nucleus +
○ Medial vestibular nucleus, parvicellular part (MVNPC) +++ Rostral ventral respiratory group +
Motor root of the trigeminal nerve + Solitary nucleus (NST) ++
○ Nucleus of origin of efferents of the vestibular nerve (EVe) +++ Spinal trigeminal nucleus ++
Nucleus of the trapezoid body + Cerebellum
Nucleus raphe magnus + ○ Flocculus (FI) +++
Nucleus raphe pontis + Lobule I, II, III, IV, and V +
Nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis ++ Medial cerebellar nucleus +

The relative densities of GFP-positive axons in individual brain areas (n = 3 mice). ++++, highly dense; +++, dense; ++, moderately dense; +, sparse; -, highly sparse. Of the areas with dense (≥+++) axons of LMVN GABAergic neurons, black diamonds and open circles are shown in sleep-wake-related areas and vestibular-related areas, respectively. See also Figures 5 and 6.