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. 2024 Feb 25;13(5):632. doi: 10.3390/plants13050632

Table 2.

Infectivity (mean % pupal mortality ± SE), ∆E% and class of S. brazilense IBCBn 06, S. carpocapsae IBCBn 02, H. amazonensis IBCBn 24, and H. bacteriophora HB after 48 h of exposure to insecticides (IOBC/WPRS protocol—15).

Treatment S. brazilense IBCBn 06 S. carpocapsae IBCBn 02
Infectivity (%) a ∆E% 1 Class/IOBC 2 Infectivity (%) a ∆E% 1 Class/IOBC 2
EPN only Control 16.00 ± 0.70 aB _ _ 42.00 ± 1.37 aA _ _
Deltametrin 14.00 ± 1.67 aC 12.50 1 26.00 ± 1.22 bB 38.10 2
Lambda-cyalothrin 14.00 ± 0.44 bA 12.50 1 18.00 ± 2.62 bA 57.14 2
Malathion 12.00 ± 0.70 aC 25.00 1 26.10 ± 2.09 bB 38.10 2
Phosmet 14.00 ± 0.44 aC 12.50 1 40.00 ± 2.44 aAB 4.76 1
Azadirachtin 16.00 ± 0.31 aB 0.00 1 28.00 ± 3.74 bA 33.33 2
Thiamethoxam 10.00 ± 0.94 bB 37.50 2 26.00 ± 6.78 bA 38.10 2
Acetamiprid 6.00 ± 0.70 cB 62.50 2 40.00 ± 2.72 aA 4.76 1
Spinetoram 14.00 ± 0.54 aC 12.50 1 32.00 ± 1.44 bA 23.81 1
Abamectin 14.00 ± 0.89 aC 12.50 1 36.00 ± 1.70 aA 14.29 1
Novaluron 14.00 ± 0.70 aB 12.50 1 38.00 ± 3.39 aA 9.52 1
F 12.00 5.64
d.f 10, 44 10, 44
p <0.0001 <0.0001
Treatment H. amazonensis IBCBn 24 H. bacteriophora HB
Infectivity (%) a ∆E% 1 Class/IOBC 2 Infectivity (%) a ∆E% 1 Class/IOBC 2
EPN only Control 40.00 ± 1.97 aA _ _ 38.00 ± 3.74 aA _ _
Deltametrin 14.00 ± 1.37 cC 65.00 2 34.00 ± 2.45 aA 10.52 1
Lambda-cyalothrin 10.00 ± 3.16 cA 75.00 2 18.00 ± 3.74 bA 52.63 2
Malathion 20.00 ± 1.70 bB 50.00 2 36.00 ± 2.44 aA 5.26 1
Phosmet 40.00 ± 0.00 aBC 0.00 1 38.00 ± 2.00 aA 0.00 1
Azadirachtin 24.00 ± 1.81 bAB 40.00 2 20.00 ± 3.16 bAB 47.37 2
Thiamethoxam 10.00 ± 0.63 cB 75.00 2 36.00 ± 2.44 aA 5.26 1
Acetamiprid 14.00 ± 2.44 cB 65.00 2 36.00 ± 2.44 aA 5.26 1
Spinetoram 20.00 ± 1.70 bBC 50.00 2 26.00 ± 4.00 bAB 31.58 2
Abamectin 16.00 ± 1.37 cC 60.00 2 24.00 ± 2.45 bB 36.84 2
Novaluron 24.00 ± 2.44 bB 40.00 2 18.00 ± 3.74 bB 52.63 2
F 9.16 6.60
d.f. 10, 44 10, 44
p <0.0001 <0.0001

a Means followed by different lowercase letters in the same column and uppercase letters in the same line indicate significant differences between insecticides for a given nematode, and between nematodes for a given insecticide, respectively (Tukey HSD test, p < 0.05). 1 Change in infectivity efficiency calculated by the formula ∆E% = 100 − (1 − mt/mc) × 100, 2 WPRS class: 1—nontoxic (∆E% < 30%), 2—slightly toxic (∆E% = 30% to 79%), 3—moderately toxic (∆E% = 80% to 99%), and 4—toxic (∆E% > 99%).