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. 2024 Mar 13;13:32. doi: 10.1186/s13756-024-01381-w

Table 3.

HCWs compliance with infection prevention and control standard precautions in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2023 (n = 422)

Level of compliance
Items Never
N (%)
N (%)
N (%)
N (%)
Wash/sanitize hands before touching a patient 49(11.6) 45(10.7) 189(44.8) 139(32.9)
Wash/sanitize hands before cleaning or aseptic procedures 28(6.6) 54(12.8) 148(35.1) 192(45.5)
Wash/sanitize hands after body fluid exposure 15(3.6) 13(3.1) 85(20.1) 309(73.2)
Wash/sanitize hands after touching a patient 23(5.5) 32(7.6) 171(40.5) 196(46.4)
Wash/sanitize hands immediately after removal of gloves 44(10.4) 49(11.6) 172(40.8) 157(37.2)
Wash/sanitize hands between patient contact 49(11.6) 66(15.6) 173(41.0) 134(31.8)
Wash/sanitize hands after touching the patient’s surroundings 31(7.3) 73(17.3) 173(41.0) 145(34.4)
When providing care considering that all patients as potentially infectious/susceptible to infection 25(5.9) 26(6.2) 164(38.9) 207(49.1)
I protect myself against the body fluids of all patients regardless of their diagnosis 10(2.4) 37(8.8) 116(27.5) 259(61.4)
I wear clean gloves whenever there is a possibility of exposure to anybody’s fluids 10(2.4) 23(5.5) 101(23.9) 288(68.2)
I change gloves between contacts with different patients 14(3.3) 32(7.6) 104(24.6) 272(64.5)
I avoid wearing my gown out of hospital compounds 41(9.7) 27(6.4) 64(15.2) 290(68.7)
I wear a waterproof apron whenever there is a possibility of body fluid splashing in my body 71(16.8) 56(13.3) 143(33.9) 152(36.0)
I wear eye goggles whenever there is a possibility of body fluid splashing in my face 94(22.3) 60(14.2) 124(29.4) 144(34.1)
I sterilize all reusable equipment before being used on another patient 27(6.4) 23(5.5) 98(23.2) 274(64.9)
I clean and disinfect equipment and environmental surfaces using detergents and disinfectants 36(8.5) 26(6.2) 116(27.5) 244(57.8)
I segregate non-infectious wastes in a black color-coded dust bin 22(5.2) 22(5.2) 124(29.4) 254(60.2)
I segregate infectious medical wastes in a yellow color-coded dust bin 23(5.5) 20(4.7) 133(26.8) 266(63.0)
I never bend needles with my hands 50(11.8) 16(3.8) 84(19.9) 272(64.5)
I avoid removing used needles from disposable syringes 40(9.5) 30(7.1) 108(25.6) 244(57.8)
I place used sharps in a puncture-resistant container at the point of use 30(7.1) 12(2.8) 93(22.0) 287(68.0)
I never recap needles 76(18.0) 43(10.2) 106(25.1) 197(46.7)