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. 2024 Feb 14;21(3):e00331. doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2024.e00331

Table 2.

Participants’ withdrawal reasons and their distribution among the sites and the treatment groups; AU, MQ and MB refer to Australia (Melbourne), Quebec (Montreal) and Manitoba (Winnipeg) sites; R2, R4 and S4 refer to 2 and 4 weeks active and 4 weeks sham treatment groups.

Withdrawal reasons Site/Group, #
Finding treatment painful and/or exhausting 1 R2 1 R4
Other unrelated illnesses 1 R2, 1 S4 1 R2
Missing several treatments and/or assessments due to weather, commuting issues, etc. 1 S4 1 R2, 1 R4
Caregiver felt treatment is unproductive 1 S4 1 R4, 1 S4
Caregiver sickness 1 S4
Patient being non-compliant (too much movement under the treatment); PI decision to withdraw 1 R2
Patient felt too anxious before starting the treatment 1 R4 2 R4
Patient changed medication during the treatment 1 R4 1 R2
Plausible side effect, PI decision to withdraw for safety (MQ patient felt brain fog and chest pain after one session of treatment; MB patient felt numbness in the left side of face and left arm for a few minutes after the second treatment at night) 1 R4 1 R2
Due to pandemic and labs' closure 1 R2, 2 R4, 1 S4
Patient and carer became unresponsive to contact 1 S4 1 R4, 1 S4
Patient became ineligible by postponing the starting date 1 R2
Total (count, %) 9 (24 ​%) 8 (17 ​%) 11 (15 ​%)