Overview of PMIpred: on-the-fly prediction of
interaction using physics-based inverse design. Adapted with permission
from ref (19). Copyright
2023 The Authors, preprinted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (A)
Data produced using physics-based inverse design approaches such as
Evo-MD can be used to train deep learning models, allowing for quick
but accurate evaluation of entire proteins while avoiding the overhead
of MD simulations. PMIpred incorporates a transformer model trained
on Evo-MD generated data for optimizing curvature sensing, allowing
for the classification of peptides and regions of proteins as either
nonbinding, curvature sensing, or membrane binding. (B) Example output
of PMIpred showing the protein structure of ArfGAP1. Regions of interest
are labeled according to the model, indicating regions likely to exhibit
curvature sensing, membrane binding, or nonbinding behavior.