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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychiatr Serv. 2023 Apr 5;74(10):1019–1026. doi: 10.1176/


Sociodemographic, substance use disorder, and mental health characteristics of low-income adults (N59,910) with a history of past-year criminal legal involvement, by Medicaid expansion status (2010–2017)a

Characteristic Medicaid expansion nonexpansion states (N=6,043) Medicaid states (N=3,867)

Weighted % 95% CI Weighted % 95% CI
Age (years, M±SD) 34.1±9.8 34.4±9.9
Female gender 33 31–36 36 34–39
 Non-Hispanic White 47 45–50 47 44–50
 Non-Hispanic Black 23 21–25 30 28–33
 Hispanic 23 21–25 19 17–21
 Other 7 6–8 5 4–6
Urban or ruralb
 Large or small urban 84 82–85 75 73–78
 Rural 16 15–18 25 22–27
 Unemployed 20 18–21 20 18–22
 Part-time 15 14–17 15 14–17
 Full-time 29 27–32 34 31–36
 Not in labor force 36 34–38 32 29–34
Past-year substance use disorder (any)c 34 32–36 29 26–31
 Heroin use 4 3–5 2 1–2
 Alcohol use 26 24–27 22 21–24
 Cocaine use 4 3–5 4 3–5
 Cannabis use 10 9–12 8 7–10
Any other mental illnessd 38 36–40 38 34–39

Source: National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Expansion states are those that expanded Medicaid enrollment by 2017 (AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, HI, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, ND, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, VT, WA, and WV).


Determined via county-level rural-urban continuum codes developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Includes past-year heroin, alcohol, cocaine, or cannabis use disorder; because of changes in NSDUH methodology starting in 2015, other substance use disorders could not be accurately tracked across all the years of this study.


Self-report of symptoms via the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule.