Impact on Life |
1. People with Alzheimer’s disease are particularly prone to depression. |
66.7% |
2. It is scientifically proven that mental exercise can prevent a person from getting Alzheimer’s disease. |
63.6% |
3. After the onset of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms, the average life expectancy is 6 to 12 years. |
78.8% |
Risk Factors |
4. When a person with Alzheimer’s disease becomes agitated, a medical examination can reveal other health problems that have caused the agitation. |
9.1% |
5. People with Alzheimer’s disease do better with simple instructions, taking one step at a time. |
6.1% |
6. When people with Alzheimer’s disease begin to have difficulty taking care of themselves, caregivers should take over immediately. |
15.2% |
7. If a person with Alzheimer’s disease becomes alert and agitated at night, a good strategy is to try to ensure that the person engages in a lot of physical activity during the day. |
48.5% |
8. In rare cases, people have recovered from Alzheimer’s disease. |
9.1% |
9. People whose Alzheimer’s disease is not yet severe may benefit from psychotherapy for depression and anxiety. |
45.5% |
Course of the Disease |
10. If memory problems and confused thinking arise suddenly, it is likely due to Alzheimer’s disease. |
21.2% |
11. Most people with Alzheimer’s disease live in nursing homes. |
75.8% |
12. Malnutrition can worsen the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. |
60.6% |
13. People in their 30s may have Alzheimer’s disease. |
84.8% |
Assessment and Diagnosis |
14. A person with Alzheimer’s disease is increasingly likely to fall as the disease worsens. |
60.6% |
15. When people with Alzheimer’s disease repeat the same question or story several times, it is helpful to remind them that they are repeating themselves. |
60.6% |
16. Once people have Alzheimer’s disease, they are no longer able to make conscious decisions about their own care. |
42.4% |
17. Eventually, a person with Alzheimer’s disease will need 24-hour supervision. |
81.8% |
Care |
18. Having high cholesterol can increase a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. |
75.8% |
19. Tremor or shaking of the hands or arms is a common symptom in people with Alzheimer’s disease. |
12.1% |
20. Symptoms of severe depression can be confused with symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. |
45.5% |
21. Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia. |
39.4% |
22. Trouble handling money or paying bills is a common early symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. |
30.3% |
Treatment and Symptom Management |
23. A symptom that can occur with Alzheimer’s disease is believing that other people are stealing their things. |
69.7% |
24. When a person has Alzheimer’s disease, using reminders is a crutch that can contribute to decline. |
63.6% |
25. Prescription medications that prevent Alzheimer’s disease are available. |
45.5% |
26. Having high blood pressure can increase a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. |
93.9% |
Symptoms |
27. Genes may only be partially responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. |
81.8% |
28. It is safe for people with Alzheimer’s disease to drive as long as they have a companion in the car all the time. |
57.6% |
29. Alzheimer’s disease has no cure. |
84.8% |
30. Most people with Alzheimer’s disease remember recent events better than things that happened in the past. |
100,0% |