Figure 7. PKHD1L1-deficient mice experience permanent hearing loss after noise trauma levels that induce TTS in control animals.
a, Experimental design. 6-week-old Pkhd1l1fl/fl::Atoh1-Cre+ mice and Pkhd1l1fl/fl::Atoh1-Cre− control animals had baseline ABR and DPOAE evaluation prior to TTS-inducing level of noise trauma (8–16 kHz, 94 dB SPL). ABR and DPOAEs were subsequently recorded at 1 day, 2 days, 2 weeks, and 8 weeks, post noise exposure. b, ABR and DPOAE threshold shifts from pre-noise baseline evaluation. Pkhd1l1fl/fl::Atoh1-Cre− control mice (blue) exhibit temporary threshold shifts in ABRs and DPOAEs followed by recovery to baseline levels 2 weeks post-noise trauma, while Pkhd1l1fl/fl::Atoh1-Cre+ mice (red) show only slight recovery 2 days after noise trauma, and permanent threshold shift in ABRs and DPOAEs at later time points. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. Up-arrows indicate that at the highest SPL level tested, at least one mouse in the group had no detectable thresholds at that frequency prior to calculation of threshold shift. Statistical analysis, two-way ANOVA with matched design between frequencies from the same mouse. Sidak’s multiple comparison tests are shown between genotypes for each frequency. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.