Ungerminated spores |
The entire polar tube is coiled inside the spore. |
Incompletely germinated spores |
The polar tube is partially extruded from the spore. |
Germinated spores |
The polar tube is extruded, and no polar tube remains within the spore. |
Topological connectivity |
Whether fluid flow is permitted across the end connections among organelles and sub-spaces within the spore. |
Original polar tube content |
Any material inside the polar tube prior to cargo entering the tube |
Cargo |
The content transported through the extruded polar tube; most likely the entire microsporidial cell. This content is not inside the polar tube in ungerminated spores. |
External drag (dissipation term) |
Energy dissipation between a moving polar tube and the surroundings. |
Lubrication (dissipation term) |
Energy dissipation associated with fluid flow in a thin gap. |
Cytoplasmic flow (dissipation term) |
Energy dissipation associated with fluid flow in a tube or pipe. |
Cytoplasmic viscosity |
An effective viscosity for the energy dissipation within the spore. |
Boundary slip |
An effective length scale which describes the behavior of the fluid velocity profile near a solid wall. |
Boundary movement |
The movement of the interfaces which separate different fluid compartments. |