Figure 3. Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) neuron activity patterns during social behavior.
(A) Illustration of GRIN lens implant location (top left). Raw image from ACC calcium imaging recording (mid left). Segmented and averaged activity heatmap from the recording shown above (bottom left). Example of raw behavioral trajectory of subject mouse (right). (B, C) Heatmap depicting the calcium activity of 10 Soc+ ACC neurons (B) and 15 Soc– ACC neurons (C) during a single social interaction session. Social interaction bouts are shown as gray bars. The average calcium activity is shown below each heatmap. (D, E) Top: Z-scored Soc+ (D) and Soc– (E) ACC neurons calcium activity for all neurons during all social interaction sessions. The onset of social interaction is marked as a dashed black line. Bottom: Mean of Z-scored activity shown for the heatmaps above for Soc+ (D) and Soc– (E) neurons. (F) Percentage of units showing significant modulation by social interaction. (G) Overlap of Soc+ and Obj + ACC neuronal populations. (H) Overlap of Soc– and Obj– ACC neuronal populations.