N = 4 doves; n = 5 flights each; gray region indicates second downstroke after takeoff. (
A) The wing surface area normalized with the fully extended area reaches a plateau between mid-downstroke and the start of the upstroke. (
B) The wing folding ratio shows wingspan reduction relative to the fully extended wing mid-downstroke. (
C) The aspect ratio of the wing was computed using
Equation S4 and quantifies the ratio of the wingspan squared and the wing surface area. Hence, the normalized aspect ratio is (
B) squared divided by (
A). The aspect ratio peak near the end of the upstroke corresponds to the dove beginning to re-extend its wing to prepare for the downstroke, even while its feathers are still splayed to maintain low-surface area. (
D) The angle of attack induced by flapping motion varies through the stroke, and in a lesser degree, along the span. We computed the angle of attack for each blade element as the angle between the chordline of the blade element (avatar: thin black line) and the velocity vector (avatar: thick black line) and plot the results at 20% (labeled as root), 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% (labeled as tip) of the wing radius. (
E) Wing twist, the angle between the chord vector at the root and the chord vector along the span of the wing, is plotted at 20% (labeled as root), 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% (labeled as tip) of the wing radius. The diagram shows a twisted elliptical wing viewed with the wingspan axis out of the page.