The data is scattered, and the current study fits within the range of previous measurements. The type of bird corresponds with the color as labeled in the legend and follows rainbow order from the lightest (red) to the heaviest (pink). Each study corresponds to a different marker type, which can be grouped in the following manner: (1) closed-border shapes (☆, ▷,▴,☐, ◇,◦) indicate that the study reported the average positive pectoralis power, while filled-in shapes (•, *, ×, +) indicate that the study reported the average net pectoralis power. Dotted lines connect studies which reported both net and positive average power, and solid lines connect data from the same study across different flight speeds. (2) Different methods were used to measure pectoralis power. Star shapes (☆, •) indicate that the aerodynamic force platform (AFP) was used to measure aerodynamic forces (includes the current study), which were used in combination with kinematics to compute muscle power. A filled-in triangle (▴) indicates that differential pressure sensors on the wings were used to compute muscle power. Other shapes (▷,☐, ◇,◦,•, *, ×, +) indicate that some combination of sonomicrometry (sono) to measure muscle length and a strain gauge (limited by high-variance calibrations of muscle stress;
Jackson and Dial, 2011a) on the deltopectoral crest (DPC) of the humerus was used to measure muscle force. The plotted shapes refer to the following studies: (1) current study: AFP + kinematics (dove: green): • (net power), ☆ (5-sided-star; positive power; no energy storage), ☆ (6-sided-star; positive power; 100% energy storage). (2)
Biewener et al., 1998: Sono + DPC (pigeon: purple): • (net power), ◇(positive power). (3)
Tobalske and Biewener, 2008: Sono + DPC (pigeon purple): • (net power), ☐ (positive power). (4)
Dial et al., 1997: Sono + kinematics (magpie: turquoise): o (positive power). (5)
Tobalske et al., 2003: Sono + DPC with quasi-steady aerodynamics model for calibration (dove: green, cockatiel: yellow-green, magpie: turquoise): * (net power). (6)
Soman et al., 2005: Sono + DPC (pigeon: purple): ▷ (positive power). (7)
Usherwood et al., 2005: differential pressure sensors on wings (pigeon: purple): ▴ (positive power). (8)
Ellerby and Askew, 2007: Sono
in vivo + muscle force
in vitro (zebra finch: red, budgerigar: orange): × (net power). (9)
Jackson and Dial, 2011a: Sono + DPC (jay: gold, magpie: turquoise, crow: blue, raven: pink): + (net power). (10)
Ingersoll and Lentink, 2018: AFP + kinematics (Anna’s hummingbird: gray): ☆ (net power; no energy storage), ☆ (6-sided-star; net power; perfect energy storage).