P30 coronal sections immunostained for (
A) PV and (
B) VGAT in hippocampal CA1; merged image in (
C) shows PV in magenta and VGAT in green. Yellow arrows indicate PV
+ interneuron cell bodies. (
A–C) Scale bar = 50 μm. (Higher magnification view of SP in (
C’); scale bar = 10 μm.) (
D) Quantification of PV puncta density in SP expressed as a percent of control. (
E) Quantification of co-localization between VGAT and PV in SP to estimate putative PV
+ basket synapse formation. Error bars show mean + SEM. (To see quantification of puncta densities and co-localization in SO and SR see
Figure 5—figure supplement 3.) See
Supplementary file 1 for Ns.
Significance: *=p
< 0.05, **=p
< 0.01, ***=p
< 0.001, NS = p ≥ 0.05. PV, parvalbumin; SO, stratum oriens; SP, stratum pyramidale; SR, stratum radiatum.