A–A’’’) R27G05-Gal4 drives GFP expression in all LPCs and lamina neurons (white dash circle) which are labeled by Dac at 96 hr after larval hatching (ALH). Hth labels LPCs next to lamina furrow (
Piñeiro et al., 2014). Here and below, scale bar, 10 µm. (
B, C) R27G05-Gal4 is turned off in lamina neurons. Activating R27G05-Gal4 at 29C at the beginning of wandering L3 for 20 hr (by inactivating Gal80ts) reveals continued expression of GFP; in contrast, activating R27G05-Gal4 at 29C at 1 day after pupa formation (APF) for 20 hr reveals little GFP, showing that R27G05 is not expressed in pupal stages containing postmitotic lamina neurons. Genotype: R27G05-Gal4>UAS-myrGFP, tubP-Gal80[ts]. (
D, E) Although R27G05-Gal4 is turned off by 1 day APF, GFP persists in lamina neuron cell bodies until 66 hr APF and in their neurites until 75 hr APF. Genotype: R27G05-Gal4>UAS-myrGFP.