Table 2.
Domains regarding technical and functional aspects were assessed using the modified LIDA instrument (version 1.2)
Item | Median (IQRa; min-maxb) |
1.1 Accessibility | |
Is the information available full text without registration, log-in or subscription | 2 (0; 2–2) |
1.2 Usability | |
Is there a clear statement of who this website is for? | 2 (0; 1–2) |
Is the level of detail appropriate to their level of knowledge? Is the layout of the main block of information clear and readable? | 2 (0; 0–2) |
Is the navigation clear and well structured? | 2 (0; 1–2) |
Can you always tell your current location on the site? | 2 (0; 0–2) |
Do navigational links have a consistent function? | 2 (0; 0–2) |
Is the site structure (categories or organization of pages) applied consistently? | 2 (0; 0–2) |
Does the site provide an effective search function? | 0 (0; 0–2) |
Can you use the site without third-party plugins? | 1 (0; 0–2) |
Can the user make an effective judgment of whether the site applies to them? | 2 (0; 1–2) |
Is the website interactive? | 1 (0; 0–2) |
Does the website integrate non-textual media? | 1 (0; 0–2) |
1.3 Reliability | |
Can users submit comments on specific content? | 0 (0; 0–2) |
Is site content updated at an appropriate interval? | 2 (0; 0–2) |
Is itc clear who runs the site? | 2 (0; 1–2) |
Is itc clear who pays for the site? | 1 (0; 0–1) |
Can the information be checked from original sources? | 1 (0; 0–2) |
a IQR: interquartile range
b min–max: minimum and maximum
c Websites’ content
0 = never, 1 = occasionally, 2 = most of the time and 3 = always