Table 1.
Baseline NC/MCI & Experiment/Control (n = 186)
Characteristics [n (%)] | NC (N = 86) | t-Statistics/ χ2-statistics/ Fisher’s test (df) | p Value | MCI (N = 100) | t-Statistics/ χ2-statistics/ Fisher’s test (df) | p Value | ||||||
Experiment | Control | Experiment | Control | |||||||||
43 | (50.0) | 43 | (50.0) | 51 | (51.0) | 49 | (49.0) | |||||
Age [mean (SD)] | 79.6 | (4.0) | 80.0 | (3.7) | t (84) = −0.46 | .65 | 81.9 | (4.9) | 82.6 | (4.9) | t (98) = −0.70 | .49 |
Gender (female) [n (%)] | 30 | (69.8) | 35 | (81.4) | χ2(1) = 1.58 | .21 | 34 | (66.7) | 31 | (63.3) | χ2(1) = 0.13 | .72 |
Race (White) [n (%)] | 37 | (86.1) | 36 | (83.7) | χ2(1) = 0.09 | .76 | 37 | (72.6) | 39 | (79.6) | χ2(1) = 0.68 | .41 |
Years of education [mean (SD)] | 15.5 | (2.6) | 15.1 | (2.2) | t (84) = 0.63 | .53 | 15.5 | (2.5) | 14.8 | (1.9) | t (98) = 1.52 | .13 |
Lubben’s isolation score [mean (SD)] | 14.0 | (5.4) | 13.6 | (5.7) | t (84) = 0.33 | .74 | 12.8 | (4.8) | 12.6 | (4.4) | t (98) = 0.28 | .78 |
Cognitive test [mean (SD)] | ||||||||||||
MoCA (n = 146)* | 25.1 | (3.0) | 25.7 | (2.8) | t (62) = −0.82 | .41 | 22.3 | (3.1) | 21.8 | (3.6) | t (80) = 0.69 | .49 |
Blind MoCA (n = 40)* | 19.6 | (1.7) | 19.4 | (1.6) | t (20) = 0.38 | .71 | 17.2 | (1.8) | 15.8 | (1.8) | t (16) = 1.71 | .11 |
Category fluency animals | 20.3 | (4.8) | 19.7 | (3.8) | t (84) = 0.74 | .46 | 17.5 | (4.3) | 16.8 | (4.4) | t (98) = 0.77 | .44 |
Paraphrase composite | 16.9 | (3.3) | 16.7 | (2.8) | t (84) = 0.19 | .85 | 13.2 | (3.9) | 13.0 | (4.2) | t (98) = 0.23 | .82 |
Craft Story immediate recall (Verbatim) | 23.1 | (6.3) | 22.2 | (5.5) | t (84) = 0.70 | .49 | 18.9 | (5.9) | 17.7 | (6.7) | t (98) = 0.93 | .36 |
Craft Story immediate recall (Paraphrase) | 17.3 | (3.2) | 17.1 | (3.0) | t (84) = 0.31 | .76 | 14.1 | (4.0) | 13.8 | (4.2) | t (98) = 0.34 | .73 |
Immediate recall composite | 20.2 | (4.6) | 19.7 | (4.1) | t (84) = 0.58 | .56 | 16.5 | (4.8) | 15.7 | (5.3) | t (98) = 0.71 | .48 |
Craft Story Delayed recall (Verbatim) | 20.1 | (5.8) | 18.8 | (4.8) | t (84) = 1.10 | .27 | 14.5 | (5.7) | 13.6 | (6.3) | t (98) = 0.76 | .45 |
Craft Story Delayed recall (Paraphrase) | 16.4 | (3.6) | 16.4 | (2.9) | t (84) = 0.07 | .95 | 12.3 | (4.2) | 12.2 | (4.5) | t (98) = 0.11 | .92 |
Delayed recall composite | 18.3 | (4.5) | 17.6 | (3.6) | t (84) = 0.74 | .46 | 13.4 | (4.7) | 12.9 | (5.3) | t (98) = 0.50 | .61 |
Copy of Benson figure (n = 146)a | 16.0 | (0.7) | 15.6 | (0.9) | t (84) = 1.88 | .06 | 15.3 | (1.3) | 15.1 | (1.5) | t (98) = 0.69 | .49 |
Number span forward Correct | 8.0 | (2.3) | 8.2 | (2.4) | t (84) = −0.41 | .68 | 6.7 | (2.0) | 7.2 | (2.0) | t (98) = −1.24 | .22 |
Number span forward longest span | 6.5 | (1.2) | 6.7 | (1.4) | t (84) = −0.50 | .62 | 5.9 | (1.2) | 6.1 | (1.0) | t (98) = −0.99 | .32 |
Number span backward Correct | 7.1 | (2.1) | 7.1 | (2.1) | t (84) = 0.00 | 1.00 | 5.9 | (1.9) | 6.1 | (1.9) | t (98) = −0.69 | .49 |
Number span backward longest span | 5.0 | (1.1) | 5.1 | (1.1) | t (84) = −0.29 | .77 | 4.4 | (1.1) | 4.4 | (1.1) | t (98) = −0.35 | .73 |
Category fluency vegetables | 15.2 | (4.2) | 14.9 | (3.0) | t (84) = 0.47 | .64 | 12.5 | (3.9) | 10.7 | (3.7) | t (98) = 2.29 | .02 |
Delayed drawing of Benson figure | 11.0 | (2.8) | 11.2 | (2.4) | t (62) = −0.34 | .74 | 8.7 | (2.6) | 8.9 | (3.4) | t (80) = −0.35 | .73 |
Number of correct F words | 14.8 | (4.1) | 15.3 | (4.1) | t (84) = −0.66 | .51 | 11.4 | (3.9) | 10.6 | (3.9) | t (98) = 0.96 | .34 |
Number of correct L words | 13.9 | (3.7) | 14.3 | (3.8) | t (84) = −0.52 | .60 | 10.5 | (4.0) | 10.4 | (3.8) | t (98) = −0.19 | .85 |
Multilingual naming test (n = 146)a | 30.4 | (1.4) | 30.3 | (1.7) | t (62) = 0.24 | .81 | 29.1 | (2.2) | 28.7 | (2.8) | t (80) = 0.79 | .43 |
Trail Making A (lines per second; n = 146)a | 0.72 | (0.2) | 0.71 | (0.2) | t (62) = 0.12 | .91 | 0.5 | (0.2) | 0.5 | (0.2) | t (80) = −0.50 | .62 |
Trial Making B (lines per second; n = 146)a | 0.29 | (0.1) | 0.27 | (0.1) | t (61) = 0.80 | .42 | 0.2 | (0.1) | 0.2 | (0.1) | t (78) = 0.13 | .90 |
Notes: COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019; df = degree of freedom; MCI = participants with mild cognitive impairment; MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment. MoCA was replaced with Blind MoCA. NC = participants with normal cognition; SD = standard deviation.
aAfter COVID-19 pandemic, in-home assessment was replaced with telephone assessment and tests which require visional input were dropped from the battery.